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  Author:  6199  Category:(Dreams) Created:(10/16/2007 8:56:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1649 times)

First off let me tell you some facts. My grandmother died when I was 8 I am 22 now. She passed away due to cancer in the brain. The only time I can remember my grandmother was she was sick, She was so frail and she had no hair.

About a year ago I had my first dream about my grandmother. I was at a get-together at her house all my uncles and aunts and cousins were all BBQing. and to a corner there is a wooden swing. I saw my grandmother with beautiful light brown curly hair. And when I saw her she smiled at me. I was so happy to see her I started crying and gave her a hug. I sat down next to her and we began to talk. My dad then past by and I said "Dad, grandma is here!" but he just ignored me and kept walking by. I was so confused because my dad was so devastated when she past away.I thought he would be thrilled to see her. Then my grandmother looked at me with these beautiful glowing eyes and she told me " Honey no one can see me but you." And she touch my face and began humming a song. I had asked why only I could see her and not everyone else. And she got up from the swing walked around my uncles and aunts one by one touching them on thier shoulders and giving off this warm peacefully smile. I woke up after that. It was very strange because she looked so young but somehow I knew it was her.

How it changed my life:

I don't really know

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 10/16/2007 9:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 64095    That would be conforting like a way that she is telling you that she is looking out for you and is still with you.  
Date: 10/16/2007 9:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 53284    I agree with Sparkler  
Date: 10/16/2007 10:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 21839    I hope to one day be able to see my grandparents/ brother, even if it is a dream, I think she was letting you know she is ok & she is with you... that would bring me so much comfort.. you are blessed and loved.. *hugs to you*  
Date: 10/16/2007 12:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 48809    You are indeed blessed B.There is a name for what happened to you. You have really had a visit from your deceased grandmother. I have had hundreds of these visitations myself and they are not a dream ...they are the real thing. this type of visitation is called an ADC or an "After Death Communication" ( from someone that has passed on ...but still remembers us). Of course ,grandmother would have hair now and she is in excellent health and is young once again .The way you remembered her when she was here belongs only to the earth...but since she has passed on she is no longer ill... but has fully regained her hair and her health. The reason you could see grandmother and no one else could is because you are more sensitive to spirit vibrations than the rest of them are. This is why many people do not believe what other people say about seeing an angel or a loved one that has passed on...because they are not developed enough to see into the next world. I am glad you got to see your grandmother !Don't let anyone tell you that you didn't see her...because they don't know what they are talking about! I am happy for you B!  
Date: 10/16/2007 2:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 61847    Wow, that is a very deep dream. Maybe she is just telling you that she is with you and she misses you just as you miss her.  
Date: 10/16/2007 3:06:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 6199    yeah I do think it was really her comming to me in my dream. I felt so safe and loved when she was near me. When I told my mom about this dream she told me that its only a dream but i know in my heart it wasn't  
Date: 11/6/2007 9:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 21433    wow how wonderful to dream of a loved one that has passed on that's such a wonderful thing  
Date: 11/6/2007 9:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 15070    I believe we are visited in our dreams. I really do. What a wonderful blessing.   
Date: 11/14/2007 1:39:00 PM  ( S-Admin )   This is great..you see i can tell you what this is because i had the same thing happen to me..first off i wanna tell you everything is ok.. your grandmother as you might say is your angel...everyone has one.. mine is my aunt i never got to know her she died the day after i was born...you see your grandmother comes to you because she wants you to know her. the real her..she wants you to know she is always watching over you and your family but she talks to you because she is yours. its hard to explain..but when i was about 16 or 17 my aunt came to me..she put her arms around me and told me she has always been with me and always will. i remember the felling i had when she was with me that day..and i often feel her still. like when im really stressed or when something really bad is about to happen. your lucky most ppl never know who is watching over them.

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