Welcome to Unsolved Mysteries a Community of friends. This site welcomes anyone regardless of AGE, SEX, RACE, RELIGON, COLOR, DISABILITES or any other forms of discrimination. We encourage diversity and welcome new ideas.

If you want to know real friendship and share your time with others that are, by nature, nice people then you have chosen the right place. We are a close community that shares nearly everything with each other. We believe in love, compassion and friendship above all else and we want YOU to be a part of our community.

We wish for you and everyone else to have a good time here so we have a few site rules.
Site Rules: We maintain a "G" (General Audience) rated site.
Vulgarity, Name calling and Rudeness are not permitted, just fun.

We have thousands of members and hundreds of thousands of stories and posts.
You will have fun here and make new friends. :D

The intent of this site is for all to have a nice time and enjoy making friends.
We must ask you promise to follow the friendly rules. Rules

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