alone.... embraced by frigid frost... your fear... solitary confines.... only by your own doing, your deeds, you wait in loneliness.... ravens surround.... anticipating the taste of your foul flesh.... waiting to the side...... lost among your own pity and sorrow... you cry wet tears, from a frozen heart.... a souless vessel, you have, always have been, with a soless spirit.... wait in the wrap of the chill. of the world, you....alone....created.... pitiful girl.... only lost... hurt... because you chose it.... no one feels sorrow....
not one has remorse or pity upon the leach laying helpless across the snow covered path.... you intentionally lay, waiting....for someone to pity you....the way you do yourself.... freeze and die, death is your only peace... because your mind is your own prison.... you bare no broken wings... not a feather out of place.... a decoy for sympathy given from well intentioned beings... waiting... with false pain to manipulate anothers time... anothers life...waiting to take what is not yours.... only than when you have a prze... will you fly.... and when you are done feasting upon anothers soul..... you shall drop the waste for dead, crashing it upon the hard ground, laughing with a full belly of your prey.... to lay once again in waiting... for your next victim.... you are sitting in your own pity with no life to warm the icy world in which you reside..... you are dead inside... a life, not worth living.... a shell.... empty as death can be..... living, just existing with no real purpose.... life is death.... and death is the way you live your life.... pittiful pittiful soul.......... you have more to give life in death... than you do in lifeYou can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 16164 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .