It was a quiet sunny morning at USM. The Chat room was just starting to bustle with the early birds, and the breakfast in MissC's periodic "Good Morning" post was cooking and sizzling. The aroma of home cookin' wafted through the pages of prose.
This morning she was cooking a healthy serving of Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage Links, cereal, fresh blueberry muffins, waffles, and pancakes! The post read... "BREAKFAST AND COFFEE IN HERE!"
Slowly USM'ers rubbing thier sleepy eyes, yawning, and stretching stumbled in from the four corners of the site. One by one the lovely smell lured them into the post, and they began to munch down on a deliciously devious breakfast.
"Oh my!" cried Lady Luck and Gail from thier seats, "we are so stuffed!" and the ladies pulled thier chairs back to get up. But the chaors were a trap! The decorative vines circled around their legs, and the ladies let out a SCREAM of FEAR!
Soon, every USMer who had come in for breakfast that morning was TRAPPED in MissC's evil plot to take over the front page! Kiki, St. Pete, Becky Dew, MissPriss, MoonGirl, ALL OF THE ADMINS, HeyHey Paula, CC28, Zema, Firstborn! THEY WERE ALL OF THEM TRAPPED! She had captured Newbies too! They clung to thier new USM families and cried out for help!
Everything was working according to plan for MissC... And she let out an EVIL CACKLE! "YOU'RE ALL MINE!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA" *cough cough cough*
But just as all seemed it was lost... a shadow appeared in the doorway... Followed by another... Lady Lucj and Gail were closest to the door, and they turned to look who this strange new guest was, and WARN him of the danger ahead!
"RADMAN! YOU CAN NOT STOP ME THIS TIME!" MissC howled. "I WIN! BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!" *cough cough cough* and with that, she lifted her magical wisk, she pointed the end steadily at Radman, and Ginger who was sneaking in behind! And it was too late... Radman and Ginger sniffled the air... and they too were lost!
Just then, Dreamer Poet came into the room as Radman and Ginger were chomping down on the magical breakfast.
"MissC!" She screamed! "What are you doing?!?!?!?" MissC stopped and looked at Dreamer with a sly smile on her face, "Following through with the plan of course!" "You should have WAITED for ME!" she said angrily, "I wanted to play with the magic whisk too!" And Dreamer and MissC began to have a small disagreement, not noticing the new guests coming into the post.
Amanda was drawn in by the smell of the FRESH olives MissC had planted just to lure her, but she noticed something was terribly wrong in there! She looked around at all the sad sad faces, and was sure she had to help them!
Behind her was Princess Lizard, she was carrying a box of new posts for the front page, when she noticed how empty it was in Chat and on the front page, she had to know what all the fuss was! And then a few steps behind was Kronk, who was on his way to chat with a big new bottle of Tequilla for an early party.
Slowly kronk took one of the post pages from Princess Lizard and made a Shhhh motion to her and Amanda.
"Kronk" whispered Amanda, "Be careful! My Mommy is in there." "Yes" whispered Princess Lizard, "And Ginger and Radman, and ALL the USMers who came in this morning! MissC and Dreamer Poet have been up to NO GOOD"
Kronk crawled onto the floor, and carefully used the edge of the pages of posts to CUt the prisoners free. But just as he got half way through the table, Dreamer Poet SPIED HIM!
"Nooooo!!!" but it was too late, Amanda had taken the box of posts from Princess Lizard and was throwing them around the room for everyone to break free, and Princess Lizard was holding the doors open and making sure everyone got out safe!
Radman and Ginger were STILL IN THERE!
"HAHAHA! Kronk! You thought yu would win! BUT I STILL HAVE THE RADMAN AND THE GINGER! BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!" And with that, DreamerPoet snatched the magic wisk away from MissC, and they DISAPPEARED (All four of them) in a puff of Grey Smoke!
To Be Continued... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 49101 ( Click here )
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