HELP! I have a terrible case of creativity block. Not just writers block, I can't do anything creative I want to post something besides reviews and complaints like this. I've been wanting to draw something, but I can't. The vision is there, but it's not on the paper. I have ideas for stories but they're ideas. That's it. If I ellaborate they turn to crap. I run out of things to write about. I can get the main idea, the beginning, the end, but then there's the middle. No ideas. I think I'm getting worse at the drums. I haven't played and ineresting, orginal beat in months. My solos lack structure and rythm. I can't remeber half the songs I know on bass or guitar. I can't write andy good licks. AAAAHHH!!!! All I can do is complain like this for awhile. No one's going to read but I thought if I got it out it might help. We'll see.
And speaking of writer's block, I recommend reading the story Writer's block by Smooth Criminal and Frankenstein. It's an excellent read. It's under Smooth Criminal's author ID(37101). It's more than worth the time it takes to read. Well I have some more complaing to do. Thanks for your help. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 43592 ( Click here )
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