"This love has taken its toll on me!" Mary sang along to the Maroon 5 CD with her headphones on, ignoring the disgusted stares by annoyed customers at the local supermarket. Mary danced up each isle, checking off items as she continued to complete her mothers errands. She loved shopping for her mother. It gave her something to do on the weekends since she had no friends to hang out with. Mary double checked the list and the cart one last time assuring herself she got every item, before going up to the checkout counter. She trotted up to a purple-haired, nose ringed, careless looking girl about her age, 16, behind the register. "Nice day we're having." she said. "Uh huh," replied the cashier. "You know, if you dye your hair too much, it could fall out." began Mary, "My grandmother dyed her hair blue once, don't ask why, and on the first attempt she was bald. Can you believe it? Bald. Turns out she had an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the dye. You should be careful." "Wow, thats grrrreattt," the rebelious girl sarcastically blurted out.
Mary got the hint and silently handed her the money. She was sickly embarrassed for herself. "Mary, you're such and idiot. And you wonder why you don't have friends," she accidently said aloud. Before leaving the store she took a glance at the body-lengthed mirror by the exit. She hopelessly sighed at her reflection. She was a chubby girl. Ever since she could remember she was always a little on the heavy side. "You have to do something about this, Mary. McDonalds will just have to live without your money for awile," she again thought out loud, not realizing that this act will desperately put McDonalds into its early out-of-business stage. She then looked at her face. Thick, wire-rimmed glasses sitting atop her huge pointy noise. Her hair was also a problem. Huge curly locks of red. Why did God pick me to have the ugliest hair color? She thought, which was finally in her head.
She couldn't bare to look at the hideous thing that stared back at her in the mirror. Wiping a few tears from her eyes she ran out of the market with so many bags she could barely manage to keep her balance. Mary was so caught up in her thinking, she didn't even bother to notice her surroundings. What happened next could pass as Mary's most embarrassing experience. She slammed, smack dab into the most popular boy in school, captain on the football team. "Are you okay?" the good looking jock asked. "Y-y-yes I'm fine." she replied. "Here, let me help you pick up your groceries, oh I'm Bobby." Mary stood there in shock. The hottest guy in school was helping HER. She couldn't believe it. He boosted himself up and looked into Mary's eyes. "You have nice eyes." complimented Bobby. What? Did he just say she had nice eyes? Mary gazed backed into his hypnotizing stare, not knowing that the next few weeks would be the best weeks of her entire life.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .