Lara just looked at Emily like she was crazy "OK you people are sick and if you dont let me go I am calling the cops". Emily just shook her head "Lara you dont understand. You ARE the mother of an alien. I can't imagine how you must feel right now but you have to understand it's a blessing rather then a curse. We brought you in for your protection. Do you know how many people would kill just to get you? You're very coveted and we think this is the best place for you". Lara couldn't believe it. Was she really pregnant with an alien? She felt the pains again and grabbed her stomach. She was too young to have a baby! She was only 16! But to have a baby alien? "Lara are you ok?" Emily asked noticing that she was grabbing her stomach. "Ye-" Lara fell down unconcious. When she awoke she was in a hospital type room. A woman was around her checking her IV stand. "Well it's about time. You gave us a scare we thought you were going to lose the baby. I'm Social Slacker but people call me Sas for short". Lara moaned "Oh I thought this was a nightmare". Sas laughed "You know it's not the worst thing that could happen to you". Lara just stared at her. "I'm 16 and pregnant with an alien baby! How much worse can it get!". Sas pondered this for a moment "Yea I guess your right. Oh by the way your friends are fine I presume. They didn't kill them, just stunned them". "Oh my god I completely forgot! Sas please you have to let me go!! I don't belong here I need to be with my family and my friends! They'll come searching for me!". "I'm sorry Lara I can't. Do you know why YOU were chosen to be the mother?". Lara shook her head. "The planet that your baby is from was destroyed recently. It blew up, we're still trying to determine why. They didn't want their species to be completely gone so they decided to impregnate a female earthling since earthlings are the only other species compatible enough to reproduce. Your mother is from that planet. You are half alien so they had to choose you". "My mother died when I was born. She wasn't an alien". "Yes she was. She came here soon after learning the fatality of her planet. Oh she's from planet Keydow by the way. For a long time the Keydowians knew they would not last for another 5 years so they had been planning this for a long time. Your the sole surviver. So now you know why your so important and that we can't let you go. Lara looked down at her stomach and held it lovingly. She realized how much she loved her baby. Alien or not. "Will it look like an alien?" Lara asked. "Oh no he will look like a human. Hey you do dont you?". "It's a boy?" Lara asked again. "Oh you didn't know? Yup its a good ole boy". "Well I would've wanted a girl but I don't care. You know sas I really love it no matter it is". Sas just smiled "Good you should". Lara had no idea of the oncoming adventure that would bestow upon her. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54532 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .