This Thursday is Thanksgiving and next Saturday is my brother's 16th birthday. And he won't be home for either of them. :-( He is currently in Juvi and probably wont be home for Christmas or New Year's either. We are going out of town for thansgiving and this is one of te hardest things I can do. I dont want to leave my brother and have him be alone on thanksgiving. No one deserves to be alone ever and thats what we are doing, leaving him while we go out of town.
I am here to ask for some prayers. Tommy and my family are going through a lot and I dont know what to do anymore. Both my mom and I have put it in god's hands, cause we cant do anyting anymore.
What makes this trip the worse is that I've seen him, from across a court room, only 2 times and he's been in juvi for about 6 weeks, maybe a bit longer. His probation officer said I cant see him cause I am under age and that I have to "understand that this is part of his detention. And that he's not going to have someone there for him the whole step of the way." Who said I am never going to be there for him? Can this guy predict the future or something!?! If he's going to be held over the holiday's his PO said he can "try" to let me see him.SOOOOO....I haven't seen him in a long long time. And we've only talked 2 times on the fone, and even then I was sooo nervous. Cause he was going through withdrawls then and was having sudden mood swings, so I was sorta scared to talk to him.
So, I am here to ask for some prayers. ny family is going through a lot of problems right now and any prayers would be greatly greatly greatly appreciated!!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .