For some reason, my whole grade was going on a trip. We were staying at this really beautiful place. There was this really big grand staircase that led to a second floor and there was a section where the cieling was made out of glass so you could see the sky.
Well it was evening and we right along the beach and I wanted to take some pictures of sunset because it was really beautiful. So I grab my camera and stand in the doorway of the palace. Suddenly dark gray clouds sawrm the sky and the sunset is gone and I realize the ocean water had come up and reached the door. Now, I was really freaked out about that because in dreams and in real life I'm scared of dark water where you can't see anything.
So I turn and I run back up to my friends and someone walks down to close the doors so the water won't come in. Well they get down there and this mechanical looking thing jumps form the water and lands on them. I screamed and began to run up the staircase to meet other people running down saying that water was coming down through the cieling and that the palace was sinking into the water.
Well we all run up the stairs where the glass ceiling is. The sky is blue once more but now there fire balls hurtling through the sky. Wel for some reason everyone comes to the conclusion that to save us our Homec teacher and principal have to sleep together for it to stop. Now this is VERY odd as our principal is gay and our home ec teacher is in he 50's and married w/ kids and such.
Then the last thing I remember is walking down a hall and waking up. It was so strange! How it changed my life:It was weird! I just want to know WHY in all of my dreams there is water? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 58334 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .