After a while they reached the wrought iron fence that surrounded the town. It was about 10 feet tall with barbwire at the top. “Oh,” said Ringo, “they must have fixed the gap.” Paul sighed but before he could say anything John interrupted him, “Wait.” He pulled wire cutters out of his jacket, snipping at the air with them with a grin. He gave them to Ringo, “Here, I’ll give you a boost.” He clamped his hands together so Ringo could step on them. He lifted Ringo until he was standing on his shoulders. When Ringo finished cutting the barbwire John lifted him as high as he could and Ringo landed on the other side with a thud. “Next.” Paul came over to John and he lifted him over too. When George was safely on the other side they faced themselves with a problem, “Hey,” John said, “how am I going to get over?” They looked at Ringo for an answer, “We use to use a ladder to get over but I doubt it’s still here. If it still is it would be inside that tree there.” John went over to the tree Ringo had pointed out and sure enough it was there but along with something else. John reached inside the tree and pulled out the note that was inside. “Hey, look what I found. ‘To he who finds this note, if you have found it you are probably going to use this ladder to get over the fence. Don’t, there is something evil in this town and as far as I know I’m the only one who escaped it. Turn back now; I beg you, for your life, turn back.’” Again, the attention turned to Ringo, “I know”, he responded, “Why do you think I brought this shotgun?” George clenched the torch in his hand, now I know why he never mentioned this place, it’s dangerous. What have you brought us to Ringo? Do you really love her enough to die for her? Ringo turned to George, “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to”, Ringo said coldly, again reading George’s mind. “No, I’m coming”, George murmured. By this time John had gotten over the fence, “Well? Let’s go”, he commanded. He went over to George and grabbed the torch, “Hey…” John cut George off with a cold stare. George fell back to Paul saying nothing, “He’s like that when he’s scared.” George looked up with surprise, “What?” Paul smiled, “He acts all tough so no one will know but he’s scared.” John wasn’t usually one to get scared but after a while it made sense, everyone was scared, especially after they saw what happened to the man in the woods. I hope we don’t encounter whatever killed the man in the woods. George though but deep down inside he knew they would. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55408 ( Click here )
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