What is this I feel So many things sink through my mind What is fake and what is real? I can't concentrate and it's you I blame You derail my train of thought and all thats left in my head is you Who are you? I wish I knew What is it you want from me? What is it that you're doing to me? I can't make sense of any of this It's all so confusing And there you stand, taunting me Smiling at me, then ignoring me Talking to me, then looking away from me I wish I could hear what you're thinking I wish I could know what you're feeling That would mkae things so much simpler Or would it make them worse? I'm not sure I'm not sure about anything anymore I just wish you could hear what I'm thinking I wish you could know what I'm feeling I wish you could see what I'm writing Will you ever see? Will you ever see what not knowing is causing me to believe? Please tell me how you feel I need to know, I want to see Please tell me what's happening to me... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 57105 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .