Katie Johnson sat in her padded room wonder what made him look at her the way he did when she couldn't please him. She knew she had discusted him when she used black mail against him. Katie was referring to the guy she loved named, James Taylor. She practicely worshipped the ground he walked on. She knew she could never again look at him if she ever got out of here. Her parents put her the State's Institution for the Mental. She was put her because she went phyco on when she learned that James was getting married and killed his fiance the attempted to kill James..This happened five years and she's been in here ever since...The officer that watching of Katie suddenly walked in and announced that she would be let go first thing tomorrow but she was on probation for at least a year meaning she would had a certain curfew every night and if she broke it she would find herself in here without a warning. Katie was so excited she almost got 'too' excited. The next day they gave her her old clothes and turned her loose. When she saw her mom standing there-alone-she was very sad but she felt she deserved after everything that happened but she was still very grateful that at least one of her family members wanted her home. "Hi mom!" The two embraced. "I missed you so much." Her mom said. "Where is Dad, and Billy and Jessica?" "Well, they had things to take care of but honey they wanted to be here and said to tell you that they were very sorry." "Oh, well, that's okay. I just want to see my home." "Of course you do, sweetie." The two walked hand-in-hand out the door. The sun was shining and the town that she used to walk through so long ago hadn't seem to change a bit. Sitting in the car felt like heaven to Katie. She could smell recent hamburgers from mcdonalds. "Um, mom, can I get a hamburger?" "Sure." On the way to the house, Katie dove hungrily in the hamburger. Her mom laughed at Katie's eagerness. "Oh. Sorry mom it's just that I haven't had one of these in five years and have been craving one." "It's alright." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 48758 ( Click here )
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