"I say we overthrow the government. They always hated me." Paul said.
"No." Zen replied sharply.
"No? How about yes?," he continued,"What've they done for you since to light thing, besides make you part of them and force everyone to hate you, huh? Nothn'. Absolutely nothn'. Pretty soon that coup is gonna move down here and wipe you and the rest of this place out. That's why I say we should join the angry and wipe them out before they can do the same to us. That sounds fine. Look it's really quite simple. We go there, fight a bit, overthrow the sad excuse for a president, then boom, problem solved."
Everyone else chimed with their thoughts on Paul's speech.
"I agree with Paul. He's got a good point." Jim said.
"Me too."
"And me."
At this point, things were out of control. Jim, Jen and Ryan agreed with Paul. The short man was sitting in a corner nodding, and Thrash was leaning against the wall, smiling at Zen.The crowd couldn't be contained. Zen yelled, hit the table, tapped his fork on his glass, he even threw things at them, but nothing worked. Frustrated, he sat down and looked at Thrash who was still grinning. Zen raised his eyebrows and looked at his unruly guests.
Thrash cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled at the top of his lungs,"QUIET!"
All noise stopped. Even the birds chirping outside.
"Thank you, Thrash. Now if you four will listen, I have something to say. We can't do that. I want to but that means the president would be killed. And that cannot happen. He's my brother."
"What?" Everyone asked in unison.
"Zen, sorry. You don't have a brother." Paul said.
"I do. My families always been ashamed of him. He abandoned us. I hated him for the longest time, even when I found out he was leader of the country, the hate still burned."
"So he's a good guy, he just doesn't like your family." Jim asked.
"No. He's an evil man. His heart is as black as night. He'll lead the world to poverty. He's planning on something wicked, that's why I must stop him, but I can't kill him. He's still my brother."
"I'll do it."
"No, Thrash, I can't allow it."
Zen got up from the table and walked outside. The sun was shining bright, the smell of spring filled the air. Zen gazed towards the sky. He didn't blink or move. The only thing the moved was the tear running down his cheek.
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