Nobody noticed that Dawn was having problems. She was having problems with friends, family, the world and nobody noticed. She was a good girl at least until she met Robby. It wasn't like Robby was a bad guy or anything, he was just overly-protective. Robby was a goth and he intended on turning Dawn into one as well. And you know what? He succeeded. Robby owned a black jacket and wore black t-shirts and black jeans. He had an earring in one ear. On the other hand, Dawn wore bright yellow sundress and matching high-heels. She had stunningly beautiful, long, blonde, hair. Dawn was popular and Robby...well...he was not so popular.
In Oakridge High School, Dawn was running down the hall, late for class, when she tripping and her books went flying. Robby 'happened' to be in the hallway at the time and he helped Dawn with her books. "Hi." He said. "Hi." She replied. "I'm Robby." "I'm Dawn." "I know." He winked at her. Dawn blushed. She gathered the rest of her books and stood up. "Well, thanks." She turned and walked down the hall. Robby stared after her. He suddenly realized that he was in love....
During lunch, Dawn was eating with her friends, when Robby approached her. "Hi." He said. "Um...Hi." Robby shoved a note into her hand. Everyone snickered. "Shutup!" Dawn shouted and everyone instantly grew quiet and then she glared at Robby who hurried off. After he was gone, Dawn was sorry she glared at him. She stared at the note then shoved it into her pocket. "Well? Aren't you going to read it?" Dawn's best friend, Chelsea cried eagerly. Everyone around Dawn listened intently. "No! Of course not! At least not while you guys are around." Dawn glanced at Robby, who smiled at her. She returned the smile. "OMG! This isn't happening! I think i'm in love..." Dawn thought franticly. "Guys, I gotta go." She ran off.
One alone, she opened the note and it said..... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 48758 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .