This dream was such a blur so I will say what I rember it was at some house I think it was my house in the past like I rember it being bigger and it had a cemtury. Any way lots of people where their me and some family and my perents were there. It was no house you live in it was a club a motel or a restrant or something. And it was old fashion and was daggy.
And I think their was this urban ledagnd their that this guy was driving his car though the cemtury and he hit his farthers grave and died.
Any way in the dream their was this guy driving though the cemtury he was the guy who hit his farthers grave. I do not if he was a gosht if this was in the past if the story about him dieing was just a mith or somehow he had a second chance.
But all I rember was he was determend not to hit any thing he was driving from someone. And then it turnd out someone was in the back of the car trying to kill him so he drove the car into fench in a way so only the guy in back would be killed. It did not work the guy who was driving got out of car and tryed to run away but then the guy in the back had a gun so he could not run.
Then suddenly we were on the top story of the house. And their was a bath tub and the guy who driving trying not to hit his farther grave was in the bath me and my family were around him. I do not rember if the guy with the gun was any where in site. But anyway the bath was filled with warter for awhile I think we were wondering weather he was a live or not I think some people were pokeing him with sticks to see if he was alive or not.
Other people were in the room. then the bath filled with his blood all of a sudden it was discovered he was dead. The other people in the room ran out screaming the rest of us stayed in side.
Then suddenly my house was in it's current state but it seemed like only 2 or 3 days latter and everyone was gone and only me and family members came to viset the house sometimes I could rember vines growing about the house. I can rember going into my bath room and getting something my family was waiting out side for me to go. I rember thinking about all the violent stuff that had hapeened here I was thinking how could I be standing here not caring it seems like nothing even happened here but it did.
*Cosmic Freak*
How it changed my life:um Ok how about this I had a dream LOL You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62146 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .