July 22nd
It was a week ago the first troops left Fort Drum, reports had been coming back of their engagments with the enemy along the Pakistani Border. There were rumors of an uprise near Kandahar but still uncomfurmed. John however was insureing the troops on the flight he was originally slated to be on made last minute preperations before leaving.
As they began roll call and loading the buses John stood behind the small crowd of family members that had shown up to see their loved ones off. Name after name was called, one soldier walked over to his wife kissed her on the lips and told her he loved her before bording. John's heart sank and his eyes watered slightly but he swollowed hard and bit his bottom lip to hold the emotions back.
The next thing that caught his eye were to children no more than 7 laughing and playing under the street light in the parking lot, so unaware that their father, or maybe even mother wouldn't be there to tuck them in for the months. John started thinking about having to come back and not having his children recognize him. A worry he was happy to know he would not have to deal with.
When the last name was called and the Sergeant Major borded the lead bus. John lit a cigarrette and began walking back to the barracks. He thought, who would be there to see him off, who would be his last kiss, who would be his last wispered I love you? Even Steve was gone now. John began question war, what is there to be gained, is there even a victory to be achieved? He thought the rest of the night, I can not do this the rest of my life. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51530 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .