"All right, my darling Vampire Slayer," he meant it jokinly, but Lore still flinched at the slight sting in his voice. Her vow popped back into her head, but she pushed it to the back of her mind. She had to see if he had her mother!
Lore jumped to the next rooftop; Tiberus followed her.
"Go in here," he indicated to a nearly invisible door behind several large crates. She yanked at the door and, surprisingly, it opened tight away. Her grip tightened on the handle of her machete as she plunged into the unknown darkness.
The stench of the rotting human corpses was enough to suffocate a person. Lore stopped dead in her tracks as she sensed a movement behind her. Tiberus was right by her side, and he seemed to sense it also. Lore whirled around and attempted to pierce the darkness with her blazing emerald eyes.
The movement stopped. Lore was still looking for the source of the movement when something hit her shoulder, very hard. She heard her own shoulder bone crack, but that didn't stop her from laching out with her machete anc catching something. A creature moaned in agone, and a heavy thud followed.
"Lets keep moving before more of them come!" Tiberus urgently insisted. Lore didn't need to be told twice, she jogged down the hall after him.
Lore finally caught up with Tiberus; he was being held up near another door by some of Garfungle's guards.
"I must see my master! Let me through!" Tiberus insisted. Lore came up behind him and silently cut the guards' guts out. They stood looking at their innards until they flopped over, dead. Tiberus gave Lore a surprised look and said, "I almost had them, you know!" Lore just laughed and leapt through the narrow space and into the next room.
The next room was completely empy. No guards, no garfungle, and no doors.
"Tiberus, where do we go now?" Lore was growing impatient.
"Just wait, just wait and see. Garfungle knows we're here, and he'll be out soon." With that, he sat down on the floor and motioned for Lore to do the same. She did, and scanned the room, preparing herself just in case something happened that she wasn't ready for.
oo lol ok please reply!! Demonicangel You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 60945 ( Click here )
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