The book is just….amazing. I got it at 9:30am this morning, and finished it about 4:45pm, so I’m getting faster at reading!!! :-p
If you’ve come to this post looking for who dies and other such teasers, turn right back round and go out again, cos I ain’t telling! :-p
Everything is slotting into place now. The things that J.K has done are amazing…she continues to write with superb understanding of what it’s like being a teenage boy.
Harry has got some more attitude …there are some surprising secrets about his neighbours, he realises what it feels like to not get picked for everything, he deals with more abuse and pressure, and he finally gets an understanding of the loathing Snape has of his father. This isn’t mentioning drama with the Weasley’s (on several attempts) Harry’s first kiss, secret clubs, firings, strange dreams that can only mean one thing and a battle with Death Eaters, before learning the scary truth about him and the reason for Voldemort’s attacks…
Truly an amazing book. My heart is thumping so hard against my chest it might burst out…the life feels sucked out of me and I’m just stunned. I have no idea what to do now…nothing interests me after that book (in a good way)
Well, I have the urge to write again…you’ll be seeing some of my always-awful stories coming back up!
Beaming in Britain,
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .