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Prayers for my son please :( *DMK*

  Author:  11341  Category:(Prayers) Created:(6/19/2003 1:28:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1330 times)

I took my son to the eye doctor this morning, and the news is not good. My son has to have glasses. The lenses he has to have they could not even show me on there little chart thing, he is 2 levels down from the farthest the chart can show. WITH glasses my sons eyes will be 20/100. His glasses are going to be HUGE!!! I can get him other lenses that the lab tech called polies? They wont be as thick, but they cost 85 bucks a lense. I am so scared about what this will do to his selfesteem. I never knew there was a problem with his eyes, everyday after school we would sit and read a book, he would read the book and I would help where needed. I am asking for your help with prayers that my sons eyes will get better. His eyeballs are not round like they are supposed to be, they are shaped like footballs. My heart is breaking, I didnt know....

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Date: 6/19/2003 1:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 59241    I'm sooooo sorry to hear that I hope things work out for you and your son!!! +Dark Lotus+  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:35:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thank you Dark Lotus  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 47699    I'm sorry. Your son will be in my thoughts and prayers.  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 58611    Its going to be ok..glasse are not the worst thing in the world! Maybe you should go ahead and get the ones you can afford for now and save up for the thinner ones. Dont let him see you upset about this...try to stay positive. Lots of luck!  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thank you Frank  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    Awwwww DMK, Dont blame yourself hun.. My eyes were like that when I was little and my mother didnt know either. The thin lenses that cost more are better on the eyes, I can tell you that much, there isnt as much polarization on them and they are easier to get adjusted to as well. And when he gets older he can have the option of contacts. My eyes, keep getting worse and I have to sometime n the next year or two get an eye surgery to correct them because they are getting so bad.. But the good thing is, is he will be able to see and that they have options on these kinds of things. As a glasses wearer for nearly 16 yrs, it really isnt that tough to deal with, but I will definitely add him to my thoughts and prayers. Also, get him to eat carrots too, because the beta carotien in it helps with eyesight, and may somehow deter them from getting even worse. *huge huge hugs to you and your son*  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    AquaRose, its not the fact that he has to have glasses that I am upset about. Its the fact that his eyes are very messed up and the probability that he will live well into his adult life without going blind isnt good. I dont let him see me upset.  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:44:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thanks Amanda. Are your eyes odd shaped too? I am trying to figure out where we can come up with that little extra cash for the better lenses, they wont be as heavy for him and from what she said hold up better too. Good luck on surgery, I hope all goes well.  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 58078    I'm so sorry to hear that. Your son will be in my thoughts and prayers.  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:47:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thanks IP   
Date: 6/19/2003 1:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    Yep I have astigmatizism(sp?) in both eyes.. *hugs*  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    awww....getting glasses can be really tough on a kid...I've been there....my lenses if you measure them at the thickest point is about 1/3 of an inch...and that is the 'thinner' brand *similar to the type your talking about* Have you talked to his eye doctor about custom contacts!? (meaning their custom made for his perscription and shape/size of eye), they won't just have them at the office...it takes the lab about a week to two weeks to get my right lenses made and in and about two to three weeks for my left.... only down side is it can be expensive to go that route......toughts and prayers to the little one, I know what he's going through!  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    ah gotta love the astigmatizism LOL......Ok another thing about the glasses and what the tech said I agree if you can get them thinner/lighter DO IT...I say this because if they are super thick/heavy their likely to fly off his face while playing...crash to the ground get chipped/scratched bent out of shape....Once again speaking from experience lol  
Date: 6/19/2003 1:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 33925    When they are shaped like a football its called an astigmatism..I have the same thing in my right eye, and its hard to find contacts that will fit properly..I will keep your son in my thoughts and prayers DMK..*hugs*  
Date: 6/19/2003 2:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thanks Becky and LL. I am new to this, my eye sight is one thing I dont have problems with. I just cant believe that I couldnt tell there was a problem with him. I didnt know what astigmatism was before today. I am hoping we can get the money for the better lenses before school starts. You guys have any words of encouragement I can give him?  
Date: 6/19/2003 2:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 49976    aww your son will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Date: 6/19/2003 2:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 57871    man thats terrible he will have a lotta stress at school Prob..
Date: 6/19/2003 2:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 18527    You guys are in my prayers  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 21203    Ahh, DMK... You KNOW you can count on me. What would be the TOTAL cost for the "better looking" pair? If its worth scraping....do it. Well ALL know how it is to "fit in". illy  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:10:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thank you Crooked Halo  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thank you Kethria  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Yup Mjolnir probably  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:13:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    *hugs* Illy. I dont know the total cost, but its looking like about $200. The scraping has already begun LOL. Love ya!  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 45948    p.s. He is in my prayers!!! Love  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 45948    awww, I had to get glasses when I was really small myself so I know how he feels. Just keep reminding him how great it is to be able to see things clearly now instead of everything being fuzzy!!! Gradually he will get used to them. Love,  
Date: 6/19/2003 3:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 28848    DMK I found out almost the same exact thing about my son around this time last year. I never thought there was a problem with my son's vision, but the doctor said that his eyes were shaped differently, he used the word oval, instead of round. He also told me that my son was born this way and that he couldn't see properly from the time he was born, and we never new. The whole time he couldn't see until he got his glasses at the age of five! I almost started crying right there in the doctor's office. His lenses are a little thicker than most, but so far everything has been okay. And my son loves to read too. He's going into the first grade in August. Try not to worry, your son will be okay too. And just think, he'll be able to see so much better than before. I will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs DMK!!  
Date: 6/19/2003 4:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 8278    awwww, i will definitly keep him in my thoughts and prayers. my son had to have glasses two years ago (he is now 8) and he actually liked them. his eyes were pretty bad too. but he thought the glasses were "cool" lol. you can't blame yourself. sometimes even us mothers miss things. i never noticed my sons either. he told me one day that his eyes were "bugging him". if he didn't tell me, i never would have noticed. when they seem to be reading OK, it is hard to tell. i will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and i hope his eyes get better real soon ((hugs))  
Date: 6/19/2003 4:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 10798    Oh you poor thing, I know this must be really upsetting to you. It might not be as bad as you think, though and his eyes really might get better ss time goes on. Meanwhile, we'll pray for him and add him to the prayer list. Let us know when he gets his new glasses and how he is doing.  
Date: 6/19/2003 5:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 20750    I will keep your family in my prayers! Huggs!  
Date: 6/19/2003 7:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 53558    He is in my prayers and thought. Great big hug. Take care.  
Date: 6/19/2003 7:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 11341    Thank you everyone, this means alot to Mark and I.  
Date: 6/19/2003 8:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 54968    Aww, I'm really sorry! I hope things get better!  
Date: 6/19/2003 9:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 25390    What you are describing sounds like astigmatism to me as well. I don't have that, but my best friend has had it since we were kids. I have had to wear THICK glasses ever since I was 6. I know that getting thinner lenses is more expensive, but it will be easier on your son. When he gets older, contacts are a good alternative, as it will be a lot lighter on his face, and they make special contacts for those with astigmatism. Is there any payment arrangement you can make with your son's optimatrist? If not, you can always find another company that can work with your financial situation. I never bought glasses from my optimatrist because he couldn't do payments. Just remember, whenever you have trouble paying for these things, there will always be somewhere you can go to help you out.   
Date: 6/20/2003 9:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 55841    You have very closely described my own eyes, even down to the shape of them. While I can appreciate your fears and worries as a mother (I have children of my own), I can also tell you from a personal standpoint that we find ways to compensate. In my own case, my eyes have always been this way, so I don't know anything different. I don't miss what I have never had. I wore contact lenses for much of my teen and adult life, and that helped my self-esteem a lot. Now, I am back in glasses, and I have found that the lighter, poly lenses are worth every cent of the money.

None of this is your fault. How could you take steps to correct a situation you didn’t know anything about? I’m sure your son couldn’t tell you because he didn’t know that the way he was seeing wasn’t “normal”. I know I didn’t!

I had something like this crop up with one of my daughters when, at the age of six, I was told that she had probably been experiencing a sore throat from birth due to very bad tonsils. I was horrified, and the mystery of her not eating well and not gaining weight properly was solved! She wasn’t eating because it hurt! I would have had her tonsils removed years earlier “if I had only known”. But I didn’t…and she couldn’t tell me because she didn’t know her throat wasn’t supposed to be sore. While we did have the tonsil problem taken care of immediately as soon as we found out, I too went through the “guilts” because “I didn’t know” and didn’t take steps sooner to ease her pain. I have since realized, that I did the best I could with what I had to work with, and I’m sure that you have done the same! We can only do our best and no more. Much love and prayers to you and your son. He’ll be ok, Mom! ((((((DMK)))))
Date: 6/24/2003 4:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 48250    My thought & prayers are with You, Your Son.. T/C May God Bless....*Kentucky Bluebird*  
Date: 6/27/2003 10:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 28946    Awwww Hon, your boy will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know of a couple people that have had to have the "glass bottle" type lenses to see when they were young and they have done okay. Weak eyes have run in my family and also a "lazy" eye and cross eyes. Hon, don't blame yourself for how could you have known? Only a specialist can determine about the eyes and you did take him to the doctor. You've done the best you could and your love will help his self esteem. God Bless.  
Date: 9/20/2003 8:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 12862    Oh DMK sis, I'm so sorry I didn't read this sooner!
I'm also sorry to hear about your son. How did things turn out? Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs and Love,

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