"Woa!!!!!!" said Marya when she saw all the people in her house. And the she noticed Aaron with a box in his hand smiling at Marya. Aaron said "happy brithday Marya I hope you don't mind that I asked a Simple Plan to be here" whie he handed her the gift. "No I don't mind at all thank you" Marya said going to Aaron and kissing him on the cheek. Then she saw Anna, suesan, and Josh coming her way and they all had gifts in their hands. "Happy B=-day Marya" they all said handing her the gifts. "thanks guys did you all plan this" said Marya. "Yes Open you presants" said Anna. While she was Aaron went to go get her some punch and A Simple Plan started singing I'm Just a Kid. Aaron got Marya a Gold locket and in the inside it sais Marya and Aaron forever Marya loved it Anna got her A simple plan's CD, Suesan got her a magizine of Good Charlotte and Josh got her a braclet. "Anna helped me pick it out said Josh. "Thanks guys I love all the presants" Marya siad and when Aaron came over "Thanks Aaron I am glad I have met you this is the best summer ever!" said Marya huggingt Aaron. "for me to marya" said Aaron hugging her back. To be continued koolgal13 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 45876 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .