I am not going to stand up here and tell you anecdotes about how nervous we all were coming into a big and new school, as freshmen, I’m not going to talk about how graduating is just crossing another bridge, I’m not even going to use the word ‘bittersweet’ when I talk about leaving high school. Graduating is just another part of growing up, but, growing up should really be called giving up, because that’s all it really is, giving up different things we had once relied on, once been accustom to. From the time we were babies, we have given up diapers, sippy cups, night lights, and even teddy bears. As we grew and learned we gave up ignorance, and dreams or becoming an astronaut, or president. Recently we all gave up taking the bus and depending on or parents, or friends for rides when we got our licenses. Soon we will give up dating, and get married. We will give up the sense of only being responsible for our selves and become parents. Sometimes it is not so easy giving up these things, sometimes we can’t wait to get rid of them, and other times we can’t control it. Giving up high school, our friends and acquaintances, our lunch tables, favorite teachers, inside jokes, lockers, teams, clubs, and whatever else high school means to you, isn’t going to be bliss for everyone. However, even though we can’t control giving all this up, we will always have our memories. Just like we have memories of how much candy we use to get on Halloween, and leaving cookies for Santa. We will always remember the countless dances, crushes, pranks, parties, football games, our friends, special teachers, and maybe even the Pythagorean Theorem. Congratulations class of 2003 we are finally free! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 41247 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .