The day was cold and snowy. A woman is huddled in her small compact car with a baby in her lap wrapped in many layers of blankets. A older child lies next to her wrapped as similar as his baby sister. The woman is freezing and she's all alone in the world, except for the blessings of her children. She knows that she can no longer live as she does; Homeless, freezing, and jobless. She looks at the forboding building. It's dark now, the snow falling heavily. Her husband has died recently and her parents won't take the little family in. She has only one choice. She has exhausted all other options. She is uneducated, poor, and homeless. She has no where to go and she knows that she must let the little ones go. They have a better chance without her. Morning dawns bright and brilliant. She takes the children and dresses them neatly and with love. She walks inside the cold, dark building and asks the kindly looking woman if they can take her children. The social services has agreed to take the children, telling the woman that she may go find a job and a place to live and they will return her children to her. She smiles and promises she will return. This day will reverberate through her mind through the many lonesome years to come. This will be the last time she will lay eyes upon her children. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 24845 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .