A/N: I will not post seperate chapters, but rather update this same post as I progress in the writing of this story. look for " *UPDATE* (insert date here)" , which is what you ill see when I update the story.Enjoy...
"Sentenced To Death"
I walked along the busy streets of London at a quarter past six as dusk approached. My black coat was draped over me as it began to rain. I walked up the stairs and opened the door as I entered my house. I hung my coat and changed into my nightwear. As soon as I lay down upon my bed I instantly passed out, exhausted from a long day of toil at the coal factory.
I awoke later in the pitch-black darkness of early morning to a gun pressed against my throat. “What is the meaning of this?” I exclaimed loudly stirring my wife awake as she screamed in shock and looked up to the policeman in full uniform. He pressed his rifle harder into my throat.
“You are under arrest for the murder of one Albert A. Wilkins.” said the officer. “I don’t know a Albert Wilkins, I murdered no one!” I said, completely outraged by the situation. “Of course not. Get up you bloody, murderous fiend.” said the officer. I stood up hesitantly and walked along my bedside. I turned around as placed the cuffs around my wrist, they dug sharply into my skin.
“You can’t do this!” cried my wife. “Don't worry Rebecca, they’ll find the real killer soon…” I said as I walked out of my house solemnly. The officer held my arms firmly as he held me into the horse-drawn coach. I sat quietly in the darkness as the hooves of the horses loudly hit the cobblestone road.
“Where may we be going, sir?” I said to the officer as we continued to travel. “The jail first, which contains the courthouse in which you will be tried tomorrow. If you are guilty you’ll be on death row, and housed in a full sized prison with all the other killers like yourself.” said the officer with a sneer.
“I am not a killer” said I. The officer remained silent. The horses slowly came to a stop as we appeared in front of the courthouse. The officer exited the coach. He came to the back of the coach and opened the door for me to exit. I sat in state of immobility, overcome by disbelief. “Hurry it up now.” said the man impatiently.
I left the stagecoach and, with the officer again having a tight hold on my arms, approached the doors of the courthouse. As soon as we entered, he led me into my holding cell. He closed the cell door. I felt so isolated in such a small area, robbing me of air.
All the cell contained was a bed and a toilet, along with absolutely no privacy. Guards were to my left and my right, on the outside of my cell. I know that I would probably be sentenced to death, since they based their judgment on assumption alone. I accepted the harsh reality of my foreseen doom and prepared myself for a future of an agonizing hell. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 59266 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .