Reading - Albright College - Smith Hall - There was a girl that killed herself on the 1st floor in Smith Hall. Students have heard footsteps in the hall but no one was there. Someone used dowsing rods (to detect spiritual activity) on the 1st floor and they crossed in front of the girl's room, which she killed herself in.
Reading - Central Catholic High School - A man hung himself in the attic when it used to be a mansion. People have heard chains rattle, the locks on the lockers spin by themselves, and other things.
Reading - Emily's Pub - Ghost of a former resident of this old house now turned restaurant. She is a teenager named Emily who is seen in the wine cellar and the 2nd floor banquet
Reading - Pendora Park - In the past 30 years, 4 people have jumped or fallen off of the Viaduct, the bride over Pendora. There have been reports of screaming and crying, and visions of people falling/jumping.
Reading - Saint Mary's Catholic School - The Bathrooms in the lower hall of the school seem to be haunted. The door bangs in the Boys bathroom and a bloody handprint appears on the wall. You can hear a moan and it sometimes will give chase.
Reading - The Majestic Theater - People have seen the vision of an old woman walking across the balcony.
Reading - Vito's Pizza - The Pizza Shop of Vito's is said to be haunted by an unknown spirit.
Reading - Whit-Mar Inn - On the Pottsville Pike north of Reading. The ghosts of an old woman and an Indian have been spotted peering from the windows. The old lady's ghost would slam doors shut, turn the lights off and on, along with the air conditioner at times. Murry also claims that he has seen the ghostly figure of an Indian in the back of the building.
Ridgway - Oakmont Cemetery - At 3:00 a.m. the spirits walk the graveyard. And some of the are not rested yet.
Ringtown - Ringtown Elementary School - The 4th, 5th, and 6th grade doors open. Things get thrown by invisible hands and reports of red glowing eyes in the basement.
Roaring Spring - Paper Mill - There is a bridge right before you go into the paper mill and a guy once died there. If you go over the bridge, stop in the middle, turn your car off and leave your lights on, it is said that the mans spirit comes up from the running water.
Root Hollow - Margaret Hollow Road - Several people have seen the spirit of a young woman who was murdered and thrown under the bridge at the beginning of the road in a burlap sack. She is seen sitting on the bridge looking down in shame, shaking her head.
Rosemont - Rosemont College - Reports of apparitions and slamming of doors throughout the night.
Sandy Lake - The furnaces - The furnaces used to be an old steel mill that burnt over 50 yrs. ago. Many of accidents happened taking many lives, so it is said to be haunted by the workers who died there. If you visit the furnaces during the winter you can see foot prints, shadows, and things leaping from tree to tree, over 100 yard distance. As you go down the hill it gets much colder, until you get directly into the furnaces, and then you feel it get warmer. Many of nights the restless spirits will chase you out and give you a real fright.
Sayre - Pelachik House - The ghost of a murdered constable still patrols the pelachik house. This was a house of ill repute in the early 1900's.
Scenery Hill - The Century Inn - This is the oldest inn along Route 40. In the restaurant of this bed and breakfast, there is a very cold room. The innkeeper said she had seen someone at the door nearby, the cold is not caused by a draft, and she has trouble keeping that door locked. Directly down the hill from that room, mysterious footprints leading away from the inn wall have appeared in the snow.
Schuylkill Haven - Rest Haven Nursing Home (Old building) - Sightings of a Man in a long black jacket (minister), the devil boy, a little girl, and the dark room eyes. A minister who walks behind witnesses is sometimes seen. The 'devil' boy/man is a very small person who appears in dark rooms. He's the mischievous one. Sightings of a little girl walking the halls and then disappearing.
Selinsgrove - Digestion Campus Theatre - Susquehanna University - Reports of Charlie the ghost walking along the catwalks, appearing in the audience,
Selinsgrove - Susquehanna University - Blough-Weiss library- In the basement of this library many student workers have felt a presence and seen an apparition while working late at night. The room the students are working in becomes cold after the sighting of the apparition. Unsure of whom the apparition may be but student research is in progress.
Shanksville - Somerset County - Crash Site of United Flight 93 - **WARNING - APPROACHING THE CRASH SITE IS NOT ADVISED. GUARDS WILL MAKE YOU TURN AROUND AND GO HOME IMMEDIATELY. GENERALLY, TRESPASSING IS ADVISED AGAINST. BE RESPECTFUL. ** Night security guards at the crash sight have reported unexplainable things throughout their night watch there, including what sounds like a large group of people walking and talking. Almost every night, the door to their security trailer was knocked on. They would open the door to find no one there. Recent photos taken at a small memorial set up there revealed SEVERAL orbs. One of the guards heard a man's voice in the cab of his truck ask, "So What now?" This was reported on by Johnstown, PA's news station WJAC.
Shillington - V'nS' sandwich shop - A former employee reported seeing a teenage girl hanging and gutted at the top of the staircase. The basement is now closed off.
Slippery rock - Deadmans Bridge - If you go back St. Johns road in Slippery Rock and stop on the bridge where a husband and wife were killed in a tragic wagon accident you shall see car headlights coming at you and hear a car but the car disappears and you hear screams coming at you closer and closer and.
Slippery Rock - Miller Auditorium - This Theater was named after Emma Guffey Miller, who is believed to be the ghost that haunts the place. There is often strange banging or pounding noises heard and when people go to see what the noise is, no one is there. The lights also flicker and go out during rehearsals. The students started the tradition of hiding "Baby" somewhere on the stage during performances to keep Emma from sabotaging the show. Baby started out as a whole baby doll, but has degenerated to a charred mutilated head. It is rumored that if Baby is not present, the show will be a disaster.
Slippery Rock - North Hall - Emma Guffey Miller, the ghost of Miller Auditorium, was also said to have haunted North Hall at night. She has been seen by some crossing the sidewalks over to the hall, and watching over people in their rooms as they sleep. Many people have also unexplainably had their doors open in the middle of the night, despite them being locked. It is thought to be good luck if she watches over you.
Sonestown - Hoot Rd/Main St. - The sound of a man's footsteps in the attic of this early Victorian period house (built circa 1836) has been reported by many of it's past residents, along with mysterious voices. The home has been said to have been renovated around 1880, and again around 1930. It is rumored, but not confirmed, that this was the home of a Civil War soldier who was killed in battle and returns to his home looking for his family. This same soldier has also been seen at night guarding the Sonestown Covered Bridge.
South Park - Green Man's Legend & Green Man's Tunnel - There is a legend of a man who was walking one of the deserted roads in South Park and he was struck by lightening. He died and is said to still walk the deserted country roads. This tunnel can be seen from the road and is no longer in use. Years ago, an electrician was working on the tunnel lights when he became electrocuted and died. He now haunts the tunnel and surrounding area. It is said to have a green glow.
Spring City - Pennhurst Mental Hospital - This mental hospital was shut down due to patient abuse. The medical buildings are probably where most of the worst stuff happened there.
Spring City - Pennhurst State Hospital Complex- parts of which have now been converted into a Veterans State Hospital by former Governor Ridge. No matter where you go in these buildings you can hear people talking and moving around, even though you are quiet. You can feel the energy of many people surrounding you, although none of it is negative. Nature sounds are not to be heard, although woods surround Pennhurst. The grounds are protected by Military Police and the have camp set up in the middle of the layout. - No Trespassing.
St David's - Eastern College - There have been several sightings of figures dressed in black that seem to disappear. Please include my email - for if anyone else has seen any unusual events at this college they could email them to me.
St. Peter's - St. Peter's Inn - While alone you will here the baby cry, or while upstairs on 2nd floor you'll here the creaking and sounds of the ghost that hung herself years ago.
State College - Penn State University - Schwab Auditorium - is supposedly haunted by a few separate ghosts. One of them may be Charles Schwab. The other may be President Atherton who was president of the school and is burried beside the building. There has also been a soldier seen. An article about this was written in the last alumni newsletter.
State College - Penn State University - Central Pattee Library - Odd feelings of a presence and being watched felt by students on top floor of central pattee (Murder of librarian years ago?)
State College - The Lemont House - In the small town of Lemont (in state college), there are many large Victorian houses. At the first intersection, under the street there is a tunnel used by the under ground rail road and it connects to several houses. In the Lemont house (the tunnel begins here) there is said to be the ghost of a woman, who supposedly either died or killed herself when her husband died. The house was a present for her wedding and she was so heart broken she refused to live there. Her father built her another house down the street. There are many secret passageways etc.
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