as the tears fell, mom said "that is enough, you ignorant doctor, you have no right telling my daughter that." as she finished she slapped him, and gave him a red cheek. i laughed at him, and said "look you made my mom mad, and you got what you got." I stuck my tongue at him.
later that day mom took me home, i had a smile on my face. i guess i was just happy to be with them again, and to be able to come home. mom and dad sat me down and we talked. they asked me why i did what i did. i told them, because i was called to kill myself. mom and dad were worried, so they put me in this program to help suicidal teens. i sat in the back, and watched all the teens there tear up when they said what they did, and why they did it. they didnt bother calling on me, so i just sat there. the thoughts that ran through my head were "this is a waste, i might as well end it all."
i left the meeting early, and walked to the graveyard, and sat next to my best friends grave. i spoke softly "im gonna join you soon, these people dont understand me." after a few moments i got up, and walked home.
mom and dad were sitting there when i walked in. mom said "they just called, and were worry about you, they thought you might try something." I said "you know im not some little kid, maybe i should just take my own life, and get it over with, im sick of you two nagging all the time."
I stormed up to my room.
Spiritsof the Dead
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