I managed to find a parking space at the local mini-mart, due to the fact that the location I chose to stop at was on the way home, the only people frequenting the place seemed to be busy tying up the pay phones outside.
I don't know why I thought I had to stop here, at the worst part of the city. But I did anyway and stepped out of my car and into the store.
I really did'nt know what I wanted, my mind being centered on the co-worker that decided to up and leave during the shift. No clue what-so-ever. I browsed around and decided on a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and a gallon of milk.
MIA. Now there's a term I have'nt heard of since the 70's. Perhaps the co-worker I mentioned was in reality a P.O.W. (Missing In Action, Prisoner Of War)
You never can tell these days, as the business world is not content anymore. I recently saw that the town in Hershey PA was up in arms because of the possible sell-out in order to make even more fast bucks. So long to the chocolate bar which pretty much represented Apple Pie. Americana.
I have'nt cared much for corporations, especially these days. Enron seemed to be the start of a much uglier truth. The almighty dollar is worth more than a human life.... do the math.
I paid for the items and as soon as I left the store I heard a voice.
I turned into the direction of the pay-phones. No sooner had I looked there was a tall, brute of a man trying to wave me on over. He was standing next to some girl/woman that was pretending to be in deep conversation to another on the opposite end of the reciever.
Not today, I thought. And I could'nt help but think she was being held hostage for some reason. She never even bothered to look my way at all.
I got into my car, wishing I could know more. Hoping that I could lend a hand. It's pretty much like the friend who I told you about previously. Up and left, no one knows, no one is talking. And yet there is what I percieve to be someone standing next to them. Monitoring thier every move.
MIA, or P.O.W?
I am not certain at this point.
But from what I do know, about my friend and perhaps former co-worker is this. He knows something. And is not at liberty to say right now.
He is wise, and had access to many things. My guess is, after trying to appease the upper management that I had no clue as to what was going on, (and I truthfully don't) something big is about to occur.
Big companies work best in the dark. I should know, as I sometimes feel like the proverbial mushroom.
Whatever the case, I will await paitent, though eager to see the outcome to it all. Perhaps a class action lawsuit is in the making.
And you know what? I hope he wins. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 5940 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .