I sorry this took so long, I was moving so I didn't have any time but here it is. This is only the second last chapter, The last chapter should be up by now though.
The wait wasn't long, Josalind came soon with the guards and not far behind was, the faerie queen. The Queen glared at Simon as if he was a bug, deserving to be squished. "How nice to see you again" said Dawn with a fake sugary tone. Josalind not noticing the way she said it, said " Yes, it is nice to see you again. This is the young man who rescued me" Josalind introduced. "We've met" Dawn snapped. "Now what is the matter, my dear? Why have you seeked me?" the witch questioned. Simon exchanged a glance with the queen and he wondered why she has suddenly grown so cold-hearted towards him. "I tried to ask you before but you left in such a hurry." Simon told Josalind. By this time, the old witch had seated herself in a chair across from where Simon was. "Yes, I was in a hurry to see Dawn" Josalind answered. "Well....I still have one more thing to ask your help with" Simon said quickly. Josalind's face beamed and she said "Of course, I have to repay you after that day.". "You promised him a wish?!" Dawn screamed "How can you be such a fool, Josalind?! You remember how the humans had chased you down so they could killed you when you were younger?! This human is probably just the same as the rest of them!". "I do remember. But this young man had risked his life for me, a complete stranger!" Josalind arugued back " Now whatever you want, I will grant". The queen tried protesting but the old witch had her lips sealed. Simon continued his request "I want to find this girl for me. Her name is Carina.". "Just think of Carina and I'll do my best to help you" Josalind said. Simon imaged how Carina was before the terrible incident happened. "I thought I saw a person that looked like the girl that you are thinking of in the garden outside the palace." she said. Josalind's eyes had closed, zoning in on the image of Carina in Simon's mind. "I think you are thinking of Brooke, the ambassador of the faerie lands." Simon told the witch quietly. The Queen's mouth was still shut and she kept mumbling shouts at Josalind to unseal her mouth. Once again, Josalind's eyes closed and there was a silence. Not the awkward silences that strangers might have but this silence was when everyone held their breath to see what was to come. "I understand now....." Josalind said under her breath. Josalind made it so that Dawn could talk again. Josalind looked at the queen with a disappointed face. "I'm ashamed of you, Dawn. How could you do something like this!" The witch hurled the words at her. Everybody could see that Josalind was angry, but fairly disappointed. Everybody was much too curious and didn't see the shadow of a form outside the door, this person could hear everything that was going on inside the little room. "Tell Simon what you did" Josalind commanded with utmost calmness. The Queen's solemn face told Simon that this was big news. News that was about Carina and something that the Queen did to him.
Please check out the other parts to this story. To be continued... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 45800 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .