The Queen sat riggetly in her chair after the meal. Then after, there was a moment when the three at the table sat silently, awkwardly. "I guess you are wondering why I have invited you to breakfast." The Queen declared, breaking the awkward silence. "Yes, I have" Simon answered. Brooke nudged him in the ribs, hinting something. Simon looked at the two females and was bewildered. The Queen interrupted, laughingly she said "It's fine, ambassitor. I think our young friend doesn't know the rules of royalty.". Brooke blushed enough for both her and Simon. "You may call me as my friends call me, Dawn" The Queen offered. "Uh, thank you, Dawn?" Simon replied, feeling uneasy. Dawn laughed again. "But now on to the more serious business. Before I tell you about Carina and Brooke, what relationship do you have with Carina?" Dawn asked Simon. Simon sighed, getting ready to explain the situation.
~A half an hour later~
"......and that's what happened, eight months ago" Simon sighed again but this time, with relief. The Queen obsorbed the information. "I guess I should tell you about Brooke and Carina now...." Dawn said. "Wait, how come I am linked to this Carina person?" Brooke interrupted. "Just listen to my story and you will see, ambassitor" Dawn spoke firmly but steadily.
This is awhile back, around 19 years ago when Brooke and Dawn were only one year old. They were actually twins. Their family could not support both of the girls so they had to give one of them away to a family that wanted them. Brooke was given away to a family. Carina was kept and lived with her parents, she didn't know about her twin sister and neither did Brooke. Brooke spent the next 12 years with the family. A fire had started in their home while Brooke was out, her foster family was all in the house. You can guess what happened to them. Brooke ran back to see only the last of the fire burning out. She began crying and I was in the area at the time. I heard her crying and rushed to where she was. I adopted her and she became the interperator and ambassitor of my realm.
"......And that is why Brooke knows the name Carina and how she got here and also why she looks like Carina." The Queen explained. "The only thing what I don't understand is why I have no image of the incident." Brooke put this forth and Dawn told her that she has amnesia and was found by someone in the village. Simon and Brooke nodded understandingly, putting the pieces on the puzzle. The next thing that the Queen said gave Simon some hope, " I can help you find Carina if you give me some time" Dawn told Simon.
Please read the other parts to this story. To be continued... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 45800 ( Click here )
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