Simon was neatly dressed and clean when he greeted Brooke in the courtyard. "Please lead the way, ambassitor" Simon said when he appeared behind the girl. She jumped and mumbled "Oh goodness, you startled me. Please follow me". Brooke had a slight smile on her face, seeming to like Simon better when he is polite. She led him pass tree after tree after tree. The Queen looked nowhere in sight. Finally, Simon politely asked Brooke where they were going. "We are going to the meadow where the Queen is having her morning meal." Brooke explained.
When they got to the meadow, a table was set out with three chairs around. In one of the chairs was a lady dressed in lavendar. "Do sit down" She commanded. Simon and Brooke sat down in the chairs. "I have had the cook make two extra meals for you, now eat up" She said. Apparently this was the Faerie Queen. She did not have two beautiful wings like her servants and commoners have, instead her wings were smaller, more elegant and pure black. Her wings looked purple in the morning light. Her face was creamy coloured, like the walls of Graham's waiting room? Simon forced himself not to think about Graham as his blood boiled at the sound. She looked really tired but still elegant and a royal aura seemed to follow her. Simon realized that he was staring, he blushed and ate the food.The menu this morning consisted of a huge blue flower and water? Simon took a drink and it tasted like water. The food seemed to be odd to him, in his head he thought "What is this? I've never had something like this before". Brooke read his mind and told him quietly on how he was suppose to eat the flower that was before him. "Just peel off the petals and the inside you can scoop out to eat. It's a delicacy so don't waste any. That you might think is water, but it's fresh morning dew" She polite told Simon. He listened and ate the flower, it tasted like the gummy bears he had when he was little. Although he enjoyed the meal, his mind was obstructed by the thought of why he was there.
Please check out the other parts to this story. To be continued... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 45800 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .