Howlingwoods sat like a statue, his eyes narrowing to focus down the dark hall the hunters tromped through. His breath puffed in steamy clouds, the suns rays no longer warming the wintery cavern. They would have to find their child soon, the night would not be kind to a lone cub. He could see the flicker of their lights as they splashed from side to side, scanning every crevice for the lost girl. He could hear their shouts, echoey in the fading light. As the voices began to grow quieter, the light flickering less and less in his direction, realization struck him. They were going the wrong way; the hunters had turned back before making it to the chamber he paced. Darktips was determined to save the lost child, despite it being an infant hunter, and Howlingwoods could not go against his wishes. He began to whine, half barking in an attempt to draw the attention he wanted and not bring the mountain lion down on himself alone. When there was no immediate response he decided a more direct approach was necessary and took off at a trot to intercept the misguided rescuers.
It took every fiber in his being to approach the group of hunters cluttered in a wide passageway. They seemed to be dividing their efforts between several tunnels boring into the rock. All of them lead away from their goal, but only Howlingwoods knew this. He feared for his life as he stood just outside the pool of light spilling from the multiple lanterns, his nerve almost breaking. Finally he let out a whimper, almost inaudible, even to himself. His next effort was more productive, it’s results shattering his resolve completely. His bark turned all eyes toward the tunnel he stood in, a flurry of motion bringing screams and startled gasps from the crowd. Howlingwoods turned and fled, sure that they were hot on his heels with rifles leveled. He could indeed hear their tromping footsteps, a chorus of sound thundering throughout the caves. He paused several times to allow them to catch up, barking urgently and pacing until they caught sight of him, ensuring that they turned the right corners. Scent was his guide and he found the cavern easily, the maze of tunnels not distracting him from his goal. Rushing to the rivers edge he had little choice but to go down the tunnel Darktips had forbid him to travel, the only other was to rush straight into the hunters that pursued him. When his followers finally reached the overlooked cavern the sounds of combat were already filling the rocky chamber.
Absently Darktips wondered if the cat would ever have the chance to learn to look before it leaped. He stood upon a rock jutting up from the mouth of the cave, peering down at the beast that terrorized the poor child. He waited until the right moment, dropping back to the base of his ramp to gain speed, racing to the peek and snarling, hurtling his full weight into the cougar as the feline pounced. Grayback sprinted in at the same moment, nipping and barking furiously, unable to get involved in the tangled mess of fur and fangs. The mountain lion was completely caught off guard, having had no forewarning of its pursuers. Both beasts snarled, swiping and biting, trying to break free for a more advantageous strike. Scoring a harrowing slash along Grayback’s face, ruining his left ear and tearing into his eye, the cougar regained its balance, hurriedly limping up and away onto the escarpments upper level. Unwilling to stop for the pain that seared his face, Grayback gave chase. He could still see, but the images were blurry red as he blinked the blood away. Darktips had faired better, only receiving minor scratches and a superficial bite on his neck. Together they followed the trail left by the ravaged animal, glittering black in the vanishing dusk. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 5353 ( Click here )
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