Jackalgrin, the male cub, showed his naming trait slyly as he took a sideways glance at his sister, Silverpetal. Unaware of his plotting schemes, she trudged on doggedly through the deep banks, yelping as the icy snow chilled her paws. Suddenly and without warning, Jackalgrin barrel-rolled through the gap between them, plowing a large bank, half burying his sibling. Yelping furiously, Silverpetal dug herself free and tackled Jackalgrin, tugging on his frost nipped ears and kicking up snow in his face. Play-fighting was one of their favorite activities, and the elders seemed to encourage it, if only to prepare them for the hunt later in life. Oblivious to the world around them, the pair continued their playful struggle, only a few feet from the crest of the hill.
The big cat grinned, knowing it's patience had paid off. It took mere seconds to get into position. With a howl of triumph the cat leapt, saliva spraying in the anticipation of crunching bone and the wet warmth of blood. A minor surprise came when it's jaws closed around thin air, mere inches from it's intended target. The big surprise came from the searing pain in it's hindquarters, and instinctively the cat reared back, lashing out at the source of the frustration.
Blazingeyes was caught off guard by the speed of the strange animal, and was unable to avoid the razor talons raking her muzzle, her yelp releasing the intruders tail from her maw. Like her mate, Blazingeyes was a seasoned hunter, and defending her cubs she was deadlier and more ferocious than any of her pack mates could ever be. Taking the wound in stride she lashed out with her teeth again, catching the cougar by the throat as it reared up to slash at her again. Her efforts were rewarded by the pain in her side, the cat's claws found their mark in spite of her hold. Squeezing her jaw shut, she could feel the life of the strange beast leak out over her teeth, it's efforts to shake free only rending the flesh more. Blazingeyes fought desperately to keep her hold, but her wounds and the strain of holding the thrashing creature were taking their toll, and she could hold on no longer. For all her efforts, the wounds she caused seemed superficial, as the big cat roared out, challenging her to continue.
Anxious to finish this battle and return to it's denied meal, the cat ignored it's wounds. The fearsome howl that echoed around the combatants, however, changed the mountain lions mind quickly. The rest of the hairy beasts were coming, and the cat was losing strength faster than it cared to acknowledge. With a growl of rage the wounded attacker picked up it's pace, heedless of the searing pain it caused, the scent of the approaching pack reaching it's keen nose.
Darktips came across the plain with fire on his heels. Howlingwoods and Grayback were not far behind, with Fieldspirit and Treefoot bringing up the rear. All five stopped when they reached the trio, the cubs cuddling up to their fallen mother. Howlingwoods paced, anxious to pick up the hunt and bring down the insolent beast, Grayback seconding his thoughts with unrestrained barks and lunges. Darktips, however angered by the attack on his mate, was concerned for her well-being first and foremost. He lay along side her, sharing warmth in the deep snow, licking her wounds and soothing her. The others would never dare to take the privilage of revenge from their sire, and waited impatiently for his actions. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 5353 ( Click here )
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