When I entered the seventh grade, a whole new world opened up to me. Gone were the days of grade school recesses and teachers that monitored the playground. No more teather ball or four-square activities, things had changed.
When I entered the seventh grade, I was reminded by the eighth and nineth grade students of my older brother, who had left his mark and since went on to high school. I was nothing like my older brother. And the constant reminders were of little help as I tried to make my way around the school, and fit in.
I did my best to be humorous, and make friends. And even went as far as making sure that I avoided certain areas that under-class students were not allowed. Tradition had it that a certain area of campus was for the nineth grade persons only. And there were few exceptions to that rule. One being "You had to be totally cool" to hang out with the "Big Dogs."
The punishment for any of those who were brave enough to cross the line....being tossed head first into the nearest trash can. I avoided this area, at all costs. Common sense told me so.
Well, along this timeline I speak of, there were some of those I had grown up with, and gone to Pre-School, Kindergarten, and Elementary school with. You could say that I had known them all of my young life.
But that all changed of course. And upon entering the seventh grade, I was still a part of what my parents expected me to be. None of the latest fashions for me, nope, just the stuff that was to be found at J.C. Penny's or Sear's. Most of the other kids had shopped at Miller's Outpost, or something similar to today's version of The Gap.
But I managed to make friends anayway, and was accepted, to a degree. But I was taunted never-the-less, by some of those I had grown up with. Mostly because I looked different, had short hair (this being the '70s) and well, was on my best behavoir. (Due to the fact I had a strict Mother)
Some of those I had grown up with definately changed. Wether it was being a "Surfer" with all the beach attire and shell necklaces, or a "Head", one that had the total long hair and psycahedelic clothing, or a "Dropout", later to become more commonly known as an "Anarchist", which later became "Punk".
One fine day, I was minding my own business at lunchtime, when I was approached by some of the afore-mentioned I grew up with. This particular group was in the "Surfer" category. And most of them I knew personally. One of them, I shall name "Mark" for the purpose of this story, had decided it was time I should get the living daylights beat out of me.
I asked him "Why, what did I do you?"
Mark just sneered and replied "Because I hate you!"
"Can you be a bit more specific?" I asked.
It was then, one of my classmates happened by, her name was Jane. She saw what was brewing and took off at the speed of light. I did'nt blame her. For I was thinking the same thing.
Well, I noticed at that moment that Mark was a bit hesitant to begin the attack. I knew this guy, grew up with him in my neighborhood, and for the life of me, I still could'nt figure out what brought this on.
"Look Mark," I began. "If you want to fight me, then tell me why. You don't need all of these other guys around do you?"
Mark did'nt move. Did'nt say a word.
"Ok, well then if we are going to fight, will it be a fair one? One on one?" Obviously I could'nt take all of them on, but I was fairly sure I would be less injured if I chose only one.
That's when Jane returned, much to my surprise. And she brought with her a fair amount of the Varsity football team with her. As I looked back towards Mark, they were already dispersing and heading off towards another direction.
I breathed a sigh of relief, and began to thank Jane and the Football members for the timely intervention.
And much to my own surprise, I was invited to hang out in the area where I normally would not dare to tread. I asked them "Why Me?"
They simply stated that they knew my older brother, and he was quite an athelete. And Jane commented, you are the type of person who never causes a problem for others. Whatever the case, I was glad I lived to see another day. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 5940 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .