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Eliminating Heterosexuals a Good Idea?

  Author: 37354  Category:(Debate) Created:(2/22/2002 5:31:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1897 times)

In many parts of the world there is a problem with overpopulation. It appears people may be genetically pre-disposed toward their gender preference. if the technology existed to alter this gene or genes in the womb, and it was cost efficient, would it be a good idea to genetically alter fetuses to make them homosexuals? Thus reducing procreation. Hugo

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Date: 2/22/2002 5:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 8817    heck no! leave nature alone! I am so tired of all these scientists going on about being able to clone ppl.. regenerate things.. and everything else. God makes things for a reason we are what we are it is not in our place to fiddle w/ nature!  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 33925    Huh??? xoxo  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    hmmm wouldn't that in a sense be playing God?????  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 35720    I didn't know you could "alter" someone to make them homosexual. But, either way.. I don't think eliminating heterosexuals is a good idea at all.  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 6358    Not this again....PLEASE!!!!!!  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 48128    No I do not believe in that stuff let nature do it!! Why do humans half to mess with natures job?!  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:41:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    I missed most of the fun the first time. Hugo
Date: 2/22/2002 5:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    OMG! You are joking of course? I would have to say that this would not be a good idea. I am sure there are other ways to stop the over population that altering sexual preferences. I just think that some things are better off left with God.  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 6358    No offense, but since your other post on this topic got deleted by the Admins, isn't that enough of a hint to leave well enough alone????  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 47162    Hugo. lol. That would be funny. The NFL would all the sudden be all female. Pro creation would cease. We'd go extinct. Who ever makes hawaaian shirts would grow in business.  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:46:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    But, this post is not offending heterosexuals. Where is the heterosexual outrage? The fact that the deleted post lasted until 182 replies tells me the post was not inherently deletable. Hugo
Date: 2/22/2002 5:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 2030    I think this is a great post (that will get you deleted for sure). Actually I think there are better ways to control excess population. How about an IQ prior to any procreation. Idiots will be chemically sterilized, solve several problems at once. Of course I might be the first one neutered.  
Date: 2/22/2002 5:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    i dont think the old one should have been deleted this is a free site and u hardly said anything wrong but i dont think u shoulda changed it and reposted it because only negative things can come from it.  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 19875    Or we could just inntroduce cheaper and more readily available birth control. Some one's sexuality should not be messed with. Besides, your genes don't decide who you love.  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 46005    UM HUGO! I dunno- put I really really enjoy being strait--- lol!  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 34078    Sounds like a last line of self defense if you ask me.  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    overpopulation has more to do with 'economic' and 'political' mis-management -not pro-creation. Homosexuality is a psychological abberation.  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    Yeah, now that I already contributed to over-population (3 genius children I might add) Spay and nueter everyone....LOL LOL LOL!!!  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 42714    Female NFL players? huh? *scratches head* Oh...I get it! No I don't think that should happen. Anybody ever read the book called "The Giver?" Its a children's book. It's quite good, but it talks about a comunity and how it deals wiht population and stuff. All the children born within one year are all considered exactly the same age. At age 12, they are assigned a job in the comunity. Some women end up being birth mothers. They basically have children through a petri dish. The children are then assigned to families. One male and one femal to each family. No more. Weird way to deal with population problems huh?  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 41067    No. Tampering with genetics to remove harmful diseases and such from developing foetuses is one thing, but this is just messing around for the sake of it. Why would this be beneficial?  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 16916    Why cant we just let nature take its course and be greatful for what we have?  
Date: 2/22/2002 6:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 36967    what, elimate heterosexuals, well if there is a gay gene, which I doubt that there is one. I know there is not a gay gene. So it would be a waste of money to even try.

Date: 2/22/2002 6:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 8184    It's natures way...let it be.  
Date: 2/22/2002 7:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    oh God hugo, i was wondering where you where. LOL sure lets do that, what the hey!!! What ever floats your boat.  
Date: 2/22/2002 7:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    Go Hugo!Go Hugo! LOL  
Date: 2/22/2002 7:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 277    This sounds assinine to mess with genes. Why not just turn America into a communist country and demand that men and women have surgery to prevent conception.  
Date: 2/22/2002 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 277    Why did your other post get deleted??? I think this will be an intersting one to watch...LOL!  
Date: 2/22/2002 7:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 28623    IMO its not determind before birth and i don't think anyone should have the right to make or even try to make someone be or do something that they don't want to do.  
Date: 2/22/2002 7:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 49543    i think any way to control the human population is a good idea. there are way too many of us. -MaceyHope  
Date: 2/22/2002 8:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 30477    I saw your first post like this, lol, I knew you had a plan. Later  
Date: 2/22/2002 8:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    I do not see the outrage the other post generated. Why is that? Hugo
Date: 2/22/2002 8:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    Perhaps becauses its a wide open trap, one that screams "TRAP!"...and so most people are stepping around it Peace,  
Date: 2/22/2002 8:44:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    What it shows is people are overly sensitive and would rather scream prejudice then debate an issue. The same people who villified the Eliminating Homosexuals post are quite because they have nothing except emotion to debate on.Hugo
Date: 2/22/2002 9:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    well ya know if ya want to get rid of us hetros, and or christians, then gosh you wont get deleted. LOL But dont you dare go against homo, or bi or mexicans, or blacks or jews or islams or any of that stuff or whoops, NO POST>  
Date: 2/22/2002 9:45:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    Yes, FB, you got that right. Christians and heterosexuals are expendable in the brave new world, where real men wear skirts. Hugo
Date: 2/22/2002 9:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    um... I'm just writing a reply to express my deep, masculine, testoterone driven, heterosexual outrage at this post, Hugo  
Date: 2/22/2002 9:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    Careful with the anger,PS. I do not want this post to be deleted. Hugo
Date: 2/22/2002 10:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    haha i love your post hugo i think it would work  
Date: 2/22/2002 10:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 34476    LOLOL! Are you seeing if the reverse of your other post will stand? ROFL! I should have known that you, Hugo, could "twist" one of your previous posts into something which is less offensive   
Date: 2/22/2002 10:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    LOL, LOL ROLFLMAO, THAT IS MY ATTITUDE OFF OF COURSE. we dont want to offend anyone by saying athe a word. lol. Paranoid:: yes, hugo has a way, and I pray that he NEVER gets kicked off usm as he brings a smile to my face.  
Date: 2/22/2002 10:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 34476    I suppose, for debate's sake, I should ask what is the PROOF that people are genetically pre-disposed to be heterosexual?  
Date: 2/22/2002 11:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 14412    FB, I can now see that maybe i was wrong in thinking what i started to after seeing you comment. And Hugo for the record, maybe the hypocritical judging side of you should stand back and take a look at the world. Genetic altering is tha stupidist thing i have ever heard of. If you are that against homosexuals that you need to start talking about this, then maybe YOU need to be genetically altered to be even a little smart. And also FB, posts do not get deleted for speaking against homosexuals, blacks, mexicans or anything else you stated. If there are so many two faced people in the world, then maybe they themselves better clean thier doorsteps before entering into the door of anyone else. And Free Girl, homosexuals destroying themselves, well girl, the only thing destroying this world is the close minded people of society, that feel they have the right to determine what is right or wrong in this world. If that is how you see things then I do hope society does not ever go against what you deem good, for then you yourself will find yourself in a world of hurt and alone. Hugo, debating with emotion..lol..maybe because you wanted to change people so they would not be who they were. Maybe you egotisical mind has gotten the better of you, of course they will debate with emotion when you said to genetically alter the fetus' so that they would be hetrosexual instead of homosexual. If you are that nieve then i think you are way undereducated to be writing posts of this nature. NO matter how you write the post Hugo, maybe people rather not say anything, because you are just as closed minded as many others and instead ogf getting into it with you they are avoiding bringing themselves to your unintellectual level. If you are that egotisical to think they have nothing to say to this, then you need to alter your mind and let your head deflate a little bit.  
Date: 2/22/2002 11:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Paranoid: from what I hear, were born that way. But then HOMosexual say they are born that way. Well I'm sorry but I just dont see it that way. God made adam and eve not adam and steve. NOW I'm not saying that one CANT think that way, my gosh, yes they can. And from what I've heard they think that way at an early age some times. I just thank God that HE has the guts to forgive us ALL oF us FOR all OUR SINS in that direction. I'm thinking that IF they want to stop the population of the world today that they need to take chocolate milk off the shelves.  
Date: 2/22/2002 11:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 38474    BRAVO PRE, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Date: 2/22/2002 11:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 14412    LMAO..forgive us for all our sins...FB i think you are a little to self righteous for yourself. Made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve....lol..good one FB...Grow up!! Maybe if you actually opened your eyes to the world you would see that many people are happy as they are. I sure hope your children are not as self righteous as you. For too many hypocrites in the world would be the end to all truth and ynderstanding that there should be.  
Date: 2/22/2002 11:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Predictor: Life should not be taken so much to heart. Hugo is teasing and joshing on this post. Me self righteouse> I highly doubt it. I dont usually tell people this, as its in the past. I have been bi before. I have nothing against them. I have gay friends, I have nothing against them. God does, but I dont. Have I been forgiven of things that I have did against what God expects? yes I have. Do I have a beer when I feel like it, yes I do. Been smoking since I was 11 years old and too dang old to stop it now. does God understand? Yes, he does. NOW I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack from people because of the stuff I've just talked about and admitted. I'm human! and yes according to the word of God, the bible, HE did make adam and eve, he DID not make ADAm and steve. Now if we cant tease and play around LIKE a family here on usm then there are some seriouse problems here. Should I get offended because some people here on usm bash the heck out of me because I believe inthe LORD JESUS?? Sure osmetimes I do, when they go too far. I may be lots of things, I may have did lots of wrong things but I will tell you one thing, right here and right now, I'm not a liar. Everything I have ever said here on USM is the truth as I know it.
I dont understand HOW someone can know me and call me self righteouse?? I'm the least self righteouse person that I KNOW OF. Do I have flaws? YOU bet I DO, I just listed some of my flaws that I have had in my life time. Until you or anyone else has walked a mile in my shoes, I dont think they have a right to judge me. I only have one to answer to, and that is my LORD and my God. Would you like me to list the things I've done in my life time that ARE NOT self righteouse?? I could but man it would take more room than USM has to offer. Do I drink often?? No I dont. I use to. I use to drink EVERY day and sometimes be drunk before noon because I had some problems in my life that I couldnt handle, everything happening at once. I was a drunk for three years and tried to *off* myself several times because I couldnt handle stuff. So if you want to think I'm self rightouse, or that my kids are, go ahead and think that. Hugo knows me, and accepts me for whom I'm .
Date: 2/23/2002 7:00:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    yes, Pre, your typical debate. Attack the person, not the issue. The fact is genetically altering individuals in the womb is inevitable. What would be so evil about altering fetuses so they could lead healthier lives free of mental retardation or crippling diseases? What about simply leading healthier and happier lives? Try to stick to the subject this time. Your name-calling adds nothing to the debate. Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 7:17:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    If a mother has the right to kill the fetus in her womb, should it also make since she should have the right to genetically alter it. I mean a fetus has no rights, correct? Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 8:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    Hugo YOU know darn well a FETUS HAS RIGHTS, SO STOP TRYING TO MAKE THAT AN ISSUE. AN EMBRYO DOES NOT HAVE RIGHTS. OHIO and MANY OTHER STATES FORBID ABORTION AFTER THE 12TH WEEK. oh my how easily we forget what we learn in a debate though, LMAO..........  
Date: 2/23/2002 8:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    LMAO, okay Hugo, I'll play along. Why should we alter any FETUS for any reason?????I think a FETUS should be left alone UNLESS it is dead or dying and needs to be removed from the mother. ***NOTICE I DID NOT SAY EMBRYO, I STATED FETUS, that is a whole different debate***checks off future abortion dig* And why should we ever make a hetrosexual into a homosexual or vice versa???? I feel everyone has the right to their own sexuality. Isn't destroying someone because they are heterosexual or a homosexual just promoting genocide, ummm sorta like Hitler, oh yes let's strive to become an anti social mass murderer???? *checks off obvious homosexual dig*. NEVER thought you of all people would think of killing off anyone for the greatest good to the greastest number of people. I always thought you were far from a UTILITARIAN, always thought of you more as an ETHICAL EGOIST. I WONDER, HUGO are you upset we don't live in CHINA???? BECAUSE with the way you keep posting this crap, I WOULD THINK THAT TO BE THE CASE, they are so wonderful with human rights ya know. They have such wonderful laws on reproduction<<<sarcasm..........*caps for CLARITY, NOT for yelling* you know I LOVE CAPS just ask Paranoid, LOL.........HUGS,
Date: 2/23/2002 8:46:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    The fact is genetic altering would most likely occur in the same stages of pregnancy as abortions are allowed. The difference is in one case a mother would be going through a procedure to enhance the fetus's life, in the other case to end it. Do not want to turn this into an abortion post. Seen plenty of them already. Would like to see a debate on genetic altering instead. Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 8:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    ^^^^^^this is the reply I was going to post last night but Pre beat me too it.  
Date: 2/23/2002 8:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    Date: 2/23/2002 7:17:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354 If a mother has the right to kill the fetus in her womb, should it also make since she should have the right to genetically alter it. I mean a fetus has no rights, correct? Hugo <<<<<<<<<<<BUT YOU DON'T MEAN ABORTION RIGHT??????LMAttitudeOFF  
Date: 2/23/2002 8:55:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    What I am stating is that we already allow the cessation of a fetus's life. It appears to me that a woman should have the choice to have her child genetically altered under the same scenario.Can you sincerely tell me that you oppose a procedure that could eliminate mental retardation or a serious neuro-muscular disease in a child? I do not see a problem with parent's making a decision that affects the future happiness of their child, parent's do that all the time. Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 9:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    HUGO, yes I can honestly say I AM TOTALLY AGAINST ANY, I REPEAT ANY KIND OF GENETIC ALTERING ON A FETUS WHATSOEVER.............  
Date: 2/23/2002 9:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    "The jury saw the posters for what they are - a hit list for terrorists," said Gloria Feldt, president of Planned Parenthood, the main plaintiff in the case. "Whether these threats are posted on trees or on the Internet, their intent and impact is the same."  
Date: 2/23/2002 9:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    ^^^^sorry Hugo that reply was meant for another debate, please have admin delete it if you like.........  
Date: 2/23/2002 9:21:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    I think genetic altering should be a choice made by the parents after consultation with their physician. Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 9:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    http://www.woodstockjournal.com/lee7-11.html THERE IS A LINK, AND IT ISN'T A PLANNED PARENTHOOD SITE, HUGS  
Date: 2/23/2002 9:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    HUGO, I am truly sorry that wasn't meant for this debate either, guess I multi task horribly, lol. I am outta here now for the moment. Sorry, please have admin delete these last two comments if you wish. but I still think genetic altering is as wrong as cloning is...........  
Date: 2/23/2002 9:32:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    I am leaving for a little bit. Everybody be nice, I hope to be able to reply to any comments when I get back. Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 9:36:00 AM  From Authorid: 15394    ugh too much judgment, not enough acceptance... what happened to love one another as yourself...  
Date: 2/23/2002 9:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    Amen Junabell.  
Date: 2/23/2002 10:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    Oh I stopped doing that when I was told I was a murderer on this site, NOPE now I love those who truly love others and I don't waste my energy loving those who only try to hurt another, which is what this post did, intentional or not........  
Date: 2/23/2002 10:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 38474    and it is horrible that it came to this........  
Date: 2/23/2002 12:00:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    You can not debate an issue on this site without someone being hurt. I am just pointing out an issue that is just around the corner. The technology is here, the genie will not go back in the bottle. Like atomic power, laser technology, germ research, the technology can be used positively or negatively. It is apparent that some of those who will allow a woman to terminate their pregnancy would prefer not to allow a woman to be allowed to have her child's genes manipulated. be it to eliminate a disease or influence a child's future sexuality. Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 12:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    A mother is told by a doctor her child will be severely retarded if the pregnancy is carried out without medical intervention. She is given three choices 1) proceed with the pregnancy and give birth to the child. 2) abort the pregnancy 3) a medical procedure that will give the child a chance for a normal life. If I am the parent of that child I would choose option three. Call that an evil, uneducated, hurtful opinion if you so like. Hugo
Date: 2/23/2002 1:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Hugo, you may have started this post in jest, but a look at some of the responses has to make one wonder. I see a lot of people saying no way, and that it is wrong to alter what nature has created. If the question was "if it is determined that a fetus will be homosexual, and the technology was available to alter that", how many of those same people would be saying yes, most definitely? From the responses I have seen on other threads, I would say quite a few. ...<Warrior Spirit>  
Date: 2/23/2002 3:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    And you notice, WS, I have never endorsed that. However, if a woman has the choice to abort her baby should not a woman also have the choice to alter the genes of the baby, rather it be to prevent birth defects, to determine its sexuality, or to determine its eye color? We are entering a new world, the issue I am bringing up will be addressed. Hugo
Date: 2/25/2002 7:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 33817    They already got to me!! Hugo, your arms are looking particularly strapping this morning. Have you been working out?  
Date: 2/25/2002 8:00:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    I am starting to worry about you, Power One. Hugo
Date: 2/25/2002 8:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    no - i would be more for eliminating people of lower intelligence - selective breeding if you will - it's not that we need to stop populating the world - we just need to limit the population to those that can contribute to a better pool.  
Date: 2/25/2002 8:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 34476    LOL Heather! If that were the case, I don't know if I'd have made the cut!!!   
Date: 2/25/2002 8:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 33817    Starting, Hugo?  
Date: 2/25/2002 9:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    No, Personally I think WELL enough should be left alone. This world is a huge garden of differnt kinds and sorts of people. I have a cousin Heather that wasnt born with mental problems but developed water on the brain as a child, the docs tried to fix it, but not enough knowledge in those days. I dont think this world would be the same with out his gentle ways and sense of humor. His child like wonderment at life. He has, over the years learned how to conduct himself and take a little responsiblity for himself. He lives in a half way house, goes to work, and even has a girl friend. He is living life and enjoying it, probably better than me, he has less worries less stress. Smart people are not always the best people??  
Date: 2/25/2002 1:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 34476    Hugo.... this is a "G" rated site... how DARE you bring up Janet Reno and Roseanne!!! *ack*  
Date: 2/25/2002 2:01:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    Sorry about that, Paranoid. Something tells me Power One won't be UP to it. Hugo
Date: 2/25/2002 2:03:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    You got a point there, Power One. Hugo
Date: 2/26/2002 8:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 47734    I would personally like to know where you are getting these crazy ideas? ~~Captivatingboi  
Date: 2/26/2002 12:20:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    Strange how genetically altering a fetus is crazy when chopping it up and vacuuming it out is deemed a logical choice. Hugo
Date: 2/26/2002 7:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 47734    Well I don't happen to agree with abortion either Hugo. I think that it is taking away choices, not providing them.. But that is a whole different debate. ~~Captivatingboi  
Date: 2/27/2002 4:21:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    The similarity is if a woman has the right to destoy the life inside her then she should certainly have the right to alter it. Hugo
Date: 2/27/2002 1:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 47734    I'm through tring to talk to you. It's like hitting a brick wall at 90 mph. I don't care if you like my lifestyle choices or not, but you don't have to write igornant post like this one. ~~Captivatingboi  
Date: 2/27/2002 2:05:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    What you do is no business of mine, gays should have the same civil rights as everyone us. Those who oppose homosexuality should have the right to express their beliefs. They do not have the right, in a libertarian world, to subject adults, who engage in consensual acts where no third party is harmed, to penalties for their actions are anything less than the full rights of a citizen, such as marriage. You are the one speeding toward that brick wall. At no time have I condemned your lifestyle in either this post or the previous one. Hugo
Date: 2/27/2002 2:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 33817    You're such a meanie, Hugo.  
Date: 2/27/2002 5:45:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 37354    It is my parents fault. They never bought me a pony. Hugo
Date: 5/19/2005 8:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 7574    Hey, let's just get rid of everyone   

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