Okay, well my highschool used to be the town college, so the theater is all old. It was built in the 1920's and stuff. Well, in 1964 there was this couple that went to my highschool when it had changed into a highschool from a college. this couple were like the preimo, couple. He was a star Football player, straight A's, completly devoted to her. And She was a drama major. She loved the stage. They had been dating ever since their freshmen year. Then nearing the second semester, she started to drift away from him. A weak before the try-outs for the spring play, which would be "Romeo and Juliet", she tells him that its over, and that she just doesn't feel the childish love they had before. Of course, he was devistated. With in a week his grades had dropped to D's and he was benched on the football team. After a week of moping around, he gets an idea to try out as romeo in the play, because everyone knew she'd be cast as Juliet. Well, he didn't make the part of Romeo or any other at that. He settled for being on the technical crew, so he could be close to the love of his life. Her and the Romeo started to get alittle to into char. as the rehersed and then she started to date the romeo. Well, her Ex, Tobby was his name, couldn't stand seeing this go on anylonger. He went up to the cat walk, which about 50 feet above the stage where the ropes for the lights and curtians are hung from. Exactally above centerstage, he tied his rope and jumped down. they found his body the next day,and the rope had cut his throat some, which made his blood fall onto centerstage. They say on their aniversary you can see the blood stain that kind of takes shape as a sloppy heart. Also, he messes around with the lighting sytem and the spot lights. its creepy. well thats my story about my high school ghost named tobby. :) enjoy mwahahahahah You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 38507 ( Click here )
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