i have only 5 mins, to let this float by. so here it comes, please dont cry!! lol -----------------------------------
u paint the stars in my sky, u make my eyes not quite so dry! u fill my heart full of love, with ur smile, as pure as a dove.
u make me smile, u make me laugh, u make me cry, ur my love!
i see u fly by me every day, passing through to heaven, just to wish other angels a good day.
i see u come back again, spreading ur love. creating happiness in ur trail, no where u pass u fail.
my heart could explode, if it could capture u in it. my head would implode, if my thoughts of u left it!
please dont ever leave me, for ud take my life with u. stay in my heart and dreams for ever, and ill cuddle u in heaven, while i fan u with a feather!
lol maaaaaaajor suck-up time!!!
Eddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .