Caught up in the splendor of the night, Among the starry skies, I laid under the moonlight, With wonder in my eyes, The moonbeams entertained me, Revealing crystal dreams, I've wandered into another realm, To me as though it seems, Watching the silvery moon, Against the bed of dark blue, As the magical night visions, Glowed an irridescent hue, On the ground from a distance, I detected a faint light, Though somewhat faded, Still showed beauty, In the middle of the night, As I get closer to the object, That I spotted from afar, I realized what I'm seeing, Is a precious ,fallen star, Its shine so long forgotten, Its twinkle now ignored, Its beauty now fading, That was once so much adored, For someone's hopes and dreams, It no longer shown the way, Like their dreams ,its sparkle was gone, Now lost in yesterday.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .