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16 different versions of the Bible...which one do we believe????

  Author:  36046  Category:(Religious) Created:(7/18/2001 9:51:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (5859 times)

I am reading Sylvia Browne's book, "The other side," and in there she states that "there are 16 different versions of the Bible" and that, 'Pope Constantance, changed the Bilble and removed information relating to things such as reincarnation." I also, know that there are other Bibles, from other cultures, such as, the Koran and the Book of the Dead...Are these some of the 16 that she is refering to, or, are they seperate? And, how do we know what is really correct with regard to religion, when, there are so many different religiouse groups and each has their own sets of values, beliefs and rules???? I was reading in the old testiment the other day, and there was talk of alters, incence and such...but, to hear Christian views, this is witch craft! Where did it all start? and, what is really right? Or, are all religions right? Love and Light! ~*Madam Destiny*~

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Date: 7/18/2001 9:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    believe the one they def dont want us to see.  
Date: 7/18/2001 9:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 37530    Well most religions are right to a certain extent, it's just little details that differ. If you want to talk more about it I'd love to. *Azure*  
Date: 7/18/2001 9:59:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36046    Thanks Azure..I'd love to talk about it with someone. Maybe some one should put together a study group or something ! Love and Light! Madam Destiny  
Date: 7/18/2001 10:03:00 PM  ( Admin )   I believe that what we need to know has already been shown to us. Compassion and love. Jesus said believe in me, which translates to believe is my purpose, my example. If you were to imagine a devine being, what attributes would he have. Then, to the best of your ability, become like that. Everyone can love, have compassion and forgive. All religions have this one basic principal that is how they are all correct, but most contain other distracting pricipals, problably not intending to mislead but do by consuming your time doing other things and not focusing on the real meaning of life. Love.
Date: 7/18/2001 10:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 34814    There are alot more Bibles in the world then 16 I don't believe any of them because 1 reason stuff like what you are saying. Which one? Being changed ect. The churches use to believe in all kinds of things. They did away with alot for control..Makes you wonder..Love and Light always Madam Destiny Hugs  
Date: 7/18/2001 10:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36046    So nice to see you my good friend Kitt! I always enjoy your help on understanding! D, thank you as well ! I really appriciate what you are saying! I feel like I know what I am meant to be, light and Love, But, there are so many things to consider....AHHHHHHH!I guess as long as I do right I am safe! Love and Light! ~*
Madam Destiny*~
Date: 7/18/2001 10:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 30742    Sylvia Brown first of all is not a Biblical scholar. We have different translations of the Bible, but the pope did not write the Bible. The Bible has 40 differnt authors who came from all walks of life, the Bible was writen over a period of 1500 years, yet it all comes together to tell a story, where all of the authors agree God. Satan, wants to twist the truth of the Bible and he is doing a heck of a job. The koran was writen by only one author. No, not all paths lead to God. Only one path, Jesus Christ. If you really would like to know more about the evidence of the Bible, go to your local Christian book store and ask for a book by Josh Mcdowell. God Bless  
Date: 7/18/2001 10:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 34814    No problem sweetie HUGS  
Date: 7/18/2001 11:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 21266    Well, I don't want to offend any Christians in this website, for forgive me if I do.
=) The Bible as Ive known, has been changed and rewritten
in so many ways and several times. Which makes it
hard to follow coz humans make flaws and therefore, the Bible has flaws
since it was rewritten by human beings themselves.
*Note the different version of the Bible as well, being another
So, you get where I'm going through. *Shrugs*. Again, if I've offended ANY
of yall out there, Im sorry =D
Date: 7/19/2001 1:34:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36046    Thanks ABSZ! That's what has me so confused!Love andLight! Madam Destiny  
Date: 7/19/2001 10:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 31145    All versions have the truth. =)  
Date: 7/19/2001 4:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 35662    The authorized king james version also known as the King James 1611 version is a translation from the oldest known bible texts. There are many "versions" of the bible, such as the NIV, the NKJV, the 1890 Darby, the 1901 American Standard, etc, etc, etc. Many people would have you believe that the bible has been changed over and over and over. There is very little deviation from the Authorized King James version to the dead sea scrolls which were unknown during the times of the supposed "revisions". Most of these others are just updated language versions. I prefer the New King James version. However, I find that when I am reciting verses I tend to quote the KJV because that is how I memorized it, with all the thee's and thou's. You mention the alters and incence and such. Those were all items in the temple. You would also need to look at what they were used for to understand the meaning. You have to keep everything in context. Otherwise you could prove anything in the bible. For example, did you know that paul had a motorcycle? Well, the bible says Paul's triumph was seen throughout the land. Read the surrounding passages and things become clearer. --- Ed ---  
Date: 7/20/2001 3:26:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36046    LOL Ed!! A motorcycle huh? Thats kinda cute! Thanks for the insight! It really is all so confusing! Love and light! ~*Madam Destiny*  
Date: 7/20/2001 6:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 34361    Hi Madam Destiny! I know the bible can be confusing! I tried to read it for almost 15 years and couldn't understand it. Then, I discoved the secret of understanding it. I sought out God! If you really want to know what the bible's all about, all I suggest is that you try what I did. I began asking God to let me know him. Everyday, I asked him as if he was right there listening to me. It seemed kinda stupid at first, but I'll tell ya I was getting frustrated. I got to where I was begging him like a child begs daddy for candy. "Pleeeeease God let me know you." Two months later, "WHAM!" I dug out my bible, and I understood every word! Three days after I started understanding the bible, I got filled with the Holy Spirit! Ever since, I've basically been holding onto my pants as God takes me for the ride of my life! I've learned more in the last year then most do in a lifetime! And what A RIDE!!!! Seek him with all your heart and soul, and he will reveal himself to you-which is the word in the bible...and more...God chose the people he did to write each part of the bible for a reason. God knows what he's doing...  
Date: 7/20/2001 9:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 31673    In my religion, we study the King James Version. We believe it is the most correct translation, however we recognize that it is not without flaws, so we rely on other books of scripture as well.   
Date: 7/20/2001 3:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36046    Trinity seeker! Thanks for the inspiration! I have been trying to figure it out forever, it seems! I have even went so far as to buy books of interperation and all! I don't think it sounds stupid to ask him to teach you! The thing is for me, is that, I believe in God, and was raised as a "God fearing," southern baptist. But, I just always feel like something is missing! So, I started checking into other religions and such, and have opened my eyes to a whole world of different understandings! Going to college is waht really started me on this journey. Because, we had to learn so much about ancient religions and beliefs and I began to wonder about Christianity and all, as a result. We had to learn the Bible as a result of history ,rather than religion .And, it is quite different than what we learn in Sunday School! LOL! Thank you for your wisdom! Love and Light! Madam Destiny  
Date: 7/20/2001 6:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36046    Thank you Rusure! Love and Light!  
Date: 7/21/2001 12:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 13371    I think the 16 versions refers to the many translations of the Bible (not specific modern languages, but like King James version, NIV, etc.). As for the Pope changing what it said, that's no real surprise. The Catholic church took great liberties with the gospels and decided what would and would not be published in what we now know as The Bible. What the gospels originally said, only God and the authors know. Neither is speaking up on our behalf so good luck trying to sort it out. Morrigan
Date: 7/21/2001 9:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 27551    I through the book out the window. not to be mean against any religion, but none of them made any sense. I believe in the simple things, be kind to one another, love one another, help share and grow with on another. we are all one, we all share this planet, and if there is a god (i still am not so sure, but that steams from other studies i have conducted), love him as he does love you. peace be to all. Tikarn  
Date: 7/21/2001 9:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 33576    Which to believe in? None of them. Believe in yourself, not an outside power. Nothing can take you higher.
Date: 7/23/2001 6:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 40790    If I were you, I would get a Bible that had a Strong's concordance AND Hebrew and Greek Lexicons. WHY? Beacause of what you said yourself, there are so many confusions out there, however, with a little effort and work, it is easy to see that the Bible is very clear on what it has to say. I would also suggest you either use a KJV or ASV, as they are the most closely interpreted from the original languages.
Date: 7/24/2001 11:07:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36046    Thank you all for the wonderful comments! I just love this place! There are so many friendly and helpful people! Love and Light! Madam Destiny  
Date: 7/24/2001 11:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 15621    Read the different versions of the Bible......some things are differnet yes....but 99% are small things.....the message is the same as is the basic content......I listen to my heart before I listen to Ms Brown  
Date: 7/26/2001 1:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 41296    Sylvia Brown may have ability, but it is of the devil. I used to think maybe she wasn't that bad until I read one of her books. She believes in reincarnation, and the Bible plainly states that when we die, we go to either Heaven or hell, not anywhere in between, nor do we go back to earth. There are not 16 versions of the Bible. There is one true Bible and a lot of false "bibles". I don't believe anything Sylvia Brown says for the simple fact that she is leading people away from God and what God says in THE Bible.
Date: 7/26/2001 1:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 41296    There are not 16 versions of the Bible. There might be that many or more translations. If you can't understand the Bible, get one in modern day translation.
Date: 7/26/2001 2:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 160    In my opinion Sylvia Brown is a fraud. And the bible says clearly to not "seek out those that communicate with the dead!" And thats what she claims to do. Powers beyond was is human can easily come from Satan or his demons. So it would be to her advantage to further confuse mankind in his efforts to find the truth by casting a cloud of suspicion on the bible. This is not meant to offend anyone, these are my opinions based on my knowledge of the scriptures.  

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