"Have you hugged someone today?' "Did you bother to stop and help someone,while on your way? "A stranger's just a friend you haven't met, "So smile as you go,shake a hand and then you've met" "If only the world would declare a holiday,One for peace and love, and caring, "What a wonderous day on earth we all would be sharing "Flooding the world with Love and light "Soul's touching soul's with no fear or fright "We all have the power to make this world a better place, "To unconditionally Love one another, face to face "For every heart to open wide and shed the love that live's inside "Many believe, that there's just to few, so why even bother" "What a wonderful gift it would be, for the heavenly father" "To see what he intended right from the start "Loving thy neigbour, "Heart to "Heart"
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .