So long story short we have another cousin living with us. She was forced to leave her home as her mom and the mom bf got into it and everyone went their separate ways. This cousin living with us is 30 and has 3 kids from two men (who are not in the picture) and she having baby number 4 from bf number 3. Any way according to her due to a court order she has to drive a distance to take her kids to school. She has to get up at 5am to get the kids ready and leave to get everyone at school which starts at 7am then she don’t come home till sometimes 8pm almost 9pm. And when she is here we hardly talk to her or the kids as they stay locked in the room.
Now that you know a little of the situation here’s the issue. Friday morning she left at 5:30am and has been gone all day. She never called to let us know if she’s coming home or not or what’s going on. (Oh another thing we don’t really trust her alone in the house so she doesn’t have a key to get in) so we have been waiting to see when she will be coming home. Nothing 8pm, 9pm 10pm nothing, finally at 10:12 she messages me on instagram saying she’s staying over at a friends house to help set up for a birthday party. Now had I fell a sleep I would of never got the message till the morning. Let’s just say my parents are not too happy, according to them my cousin has the house number and could of called to tell us this when she knew instead of the last minute.
If this was my house I would of told her something about this. She needs to stop doing whatever she’s doing and take care of her kids. She should see the situation she’s in and realize we are helping her and she shouldn’t be walking all over us. I understand she’s a grown adult and not our kid. But anyone else out of being nice would of called saying hey this is the plans for tonight instead of making us wait and worry. I don’t feel sorry for the cousin I feel sorry for her kids being up for almost 18hrs. Oh well let’s see what she does tomorrow as we wrong be home tomorrow because we are going to a birthday party also.
So how can we tell or talk to my cousin about her staying out late with her kids without letting us know when she will be home without it turning into a argument? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies. Show all stories by Author: 55582 ( Click here ) Halloween is Right around the corner.. .