Date: 8/2/2015 7:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
It's a sad situation when families don't get on like this..sounds so petty to be honest but that is what happens among a lot of families...  |
Date: 8/2/2015 7:30:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
Yeah I know. Someone needs to tell them something., but no one wants to. My uncle drink and when he does that isn't a good person to be around.  |
Date: 8/2/2015 8:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 64819
I think you just need to stay out of it. Not your monkeys, nor is it your circus.  |
Date: 8/2/2015 8:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 22721
Stay out of it, they'll see it as choosing a sides.
Date: 8/2/2015 9:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 36994
I agree with the group. I would do my best to stay out of it. It is under their control as to what the future holds. Its unfortunate that it is family feuding but its not your quarrel. Be supportive but pray for the best. Good luck.  |
Date: 8/3/2015 3:11:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
Well we would stay out of it but how can you when my aunts keeps calling us and telling us about it. And keep song asking what should I do  |
Date: 8/3/2015 6:01:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
Well now this gotten bigger as now my other ain't and my other uncle are involved my other aunt went to tell my uncle what was going on and the uncle left her standing outside talking like he didn't wanna be bother was to what was going on  |
Date: 8/3/2015 6:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 63241
This is why I like living in an apartment. I've been watching episodes of "Fear Thy Neighbor" and alot of these true episodes start innocently enough between neighbors who used to be best friends, then a small incident occurs and it escalates til somebody gets killed or maimed.  |
Date: 8/4/2015 1:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 66755
This is crazy! Why does she have to take down the car port exactly?  |
Date: 8/4/2015 5:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 64365
Just sounds like a bunch of family drama with bickering and gossiping between the members. You didn't say why the first Uncle's wife wasn't liked by all the other family members. Maybe if your 'victim' Aunt would spend more time tending to her own business and keeping the problems with her brother and his wife between her and her brother and sister in law things might not have escalated so badly. Your Aunt should have tried to make peace with them rather than adding fuel to the fire by spreading publicly her perspective on all of it. If the city made the Aunt take the carport down, then there was something unsafe, or illegal about it. When ya stir the soup pot, it's bound to splatter on ya from time to time, and the harder and faster you stir the more it splatters.  |
Date: 8/4/2015 8:32:00 PM
From Authorid: 64819
Amen Nani  |
Date: 8/8/2015 5:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 23075
Plain and simple STAY OUT OF IT....  |