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how did you come up w/ your alias, King Spawn

  Author:  41847  Category:(Discussion) Created:(12/23/2001 6:48:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (845 times)

okay, well i was just in chat wondering how all the cool people's came up with there Alias's, for me it was easy, that's one of my nickname's b/c i'm alway's getting in trouble, and when i get mad i look like i'm 100% evil. so how did u come up w/ urs

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 12/23/2001 6:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 44960    I was given the nickname 'MsPriss' back when I was doing construction work,,, Hmmm...For obvious reasons!!  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:00:00 AM  From Authorid: 16061     you going to wish you had not asked that. I came on line about 8 years ago on the online games mostly and you have to chose a name on there to play with so I used the name STILE which is a step used between to fields to stop horses from seeing that you can jump the fence. I used it as it was my name between the real world and the fantasy(online world). About 2 years later someone kept calling me the blue adapt and I didn't know why he was calling me that. I researched and found a book by Piers Anthony called the Blue Adapt and the main character was Stile. So I have carried on using it now for both reasons. The unicorns on my tags are from Piers Anthony's novels.  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 44321    My name came from me looking at my hair in the morning when i fiorst wake up LOL so i use Medusa  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 1799    its a shortened version of my real name which is Emelia.   
Date: 12/23/2001 7:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 42228    I came up with LuckyLeprachaun pretty easily. I have A LOT of respect for the Irish, especially because I have so much in my blood, and along with many of my fellow Irish men and women, I like to show it off. LOL...plus, I'm writing a book about Leprachauns and I (Stephanie) am one of the main Leprachauns. Merry X-mas!  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 19382    Well, I used to be Gendo Ikari ShipPagan. But then I only signed ShipPagan. Gendo Ikari is that little head in my tag, and ShipPagan is the name of a charcter from one of my books called "Pagan". It's a starship that grew self conciousness.  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:39:00 AM  From Authorid: 30747    Well my name is Belinda but some people have called my Be all my life and my neices and nephews are a big part of my life and they all call me "Aunt Be"....So I guess that's just who I am. *hugs and smiles*  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 39957    Well my best friend that moved away had this name but it was her middle name. Sarah Beth. And i miss her SO much.  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 30097    i change mine around alot, but REALITY CHECK NEEDED, for example, is because i'm livin in a dream world  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 30097    ohhhh our Names? I got WildMagic from a series a read about a girl who can talk to all kinds of animals, and heal them  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 37765    I was half asleep when I came up with mine... LOL I'm a real sleepy girl!! ~*mystique*~  
Date: 12/23/2001 7:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 46486    From the song Fallin Angel by Aerosmith. - Fallinangel  
Date: 12/23/2001 8:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 12006    LOL..my alias is my name  
Date: 12/23/2001 8:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 45303    I spent a lot of time with the Lakota Sioux
many years ago, learning their language and
customs. Pispiza is their Native word for Prairie
Dog. I love prairie dogs and if my husband allowed me
to have one, I would immediately buy myself a pet
(there are breeders you can purchase a prairie dog
for a pet).

Date: 12/23/2001 8:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 21762    My Alias went through many changes. When I first started my alias was Ice Ghost. Then I changed it to 5 Elements Of Life in honor of my faveorite movie but when you think about it my alias makes no sense that is why I am changing it to just 5  
Date: 12/23/2001 8:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 43339    erm well at first mine was fallin star.. then i wanted a lil more irony.. so i came up with sunshine nights.. cause obviously.. the sun dont come out at night or its day time..lol.. and also i thought it would make a beautiful taggy.. and look it did --->  
Date: 12/23/2001 8:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 33256    From Miss Jane, who sang on ATB's version of It's A Fine Day and my Mom who is always calling me this. MissJeni  
Date: 12/23/2001 8:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 12103    My whole family thinks im "the princess" cause im an only child and i guess i kinda a little bit get spoiled (just a little) and my name is Jennifer, it was gunna be PrincessJennifer, but that was too long for a tag in one frame, and i didnt want it to flash to Princess then Jennifer, i wanted it all on one screen..lol But when i log on it says "welcome princess Jennifer" lol  
Date: 12/23/2001 9:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 8184    I like horses and I'm a girl so I put 'em together and got "HorseGirl" LOL!  
Date: 12/23/2001 9:14:00 AM  From Authorid: 27121    Originally, I wanted my name to be just Gemini (because of my zodiac and my interest in astrology), but the site said that the name was already taken. So I just thought of my age and added Child. So my name became Gemini Child   
Date: 12/23/2001 9:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 17673    lol well i have a reputation with my friends for eating too much chocolate and being dizzy(no im not blonde)my friend always used to call me ditz cos evrytime i was with him i did stupid stuff, he then gave me the name chocoholicditz which became all my screen names on the net. ive recently just added ditz to my tag, i was originally just chocoholic on usm  
Date: 12/23/2001 9:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 30729    Well, it's along story. My freind's name is Raeann, and everyone calls her Ray. My name is Jennifer and everyone calls me either Jen or JEEnifer, so I thought up the name Jeefer. Then Raeann and I put a baby at the end to call ourselves JeeferBaby and RayBaby. We call each other some pretty weird stuff. LoL. Luv,Jennifer aka->
Date: 12/23/2001 10:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 1065    hmmmm.......I got Sabriel from one of my favortie books and ppl call me bandfreak...cause well im in band and im really into it!~   
Date: 12/23/2001 10:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 5940    My alias was a result of "Gee, I don't know what I should call myself", LOL! So at the last minute, when I originally logged on at USM, I chose Hey Larry as I am a fan of the Old Time comedians. From The Marx Brothers, to W.C. Fields and Laurel and Hardy, I enjoy the humor and style they presented to the silver screen. Alas, my ultimate favorites ares the "3 Stooges". Who could forget the cry for help whenever Curly got into trouble? Hey Moe, "HEY LARRY"!   
Date: 12/23/2001 10:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 23101    I got my name because my mommy's name is Jungabel and she picked out LittleJung because I am littler! ??<... Candy Canes for you! Merry Christmas,  
Date: 12/23/2001 10:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 45333    lol, your deffinately gonna laugh when you hear this but I got the name Stormer from the old cartoon Jem and the Holograms. The opposing band "The Misfits" were Roxy, Pizazz, and Stormer. I've always liked the name and when I got a computer it became my screen name. Stormer
Date: 12/23/2001 10:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 35160    i got mine cause i like 2 read spooky stories, and im a gal, lol, and i was born in 75,  
Date: 12/23/2001 10:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 47538    well i got my name from my relative, my name is victoria, but i am called Tori, i am used to that name more than my real name, because i have been call Tori most of my life. So that's were i got my alias name from.  
Date: 12/23/2001 11:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 21867    ...my fav character from my fav Movie...  
Date: 12/23/2001 11:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 11251    My alias was kinda just thrown together. I am half Irish and my favorite poem in "The Raven".  
Date: 12/23/2001 11:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 22275    its a long story and a boring one but I guess youll find the time lol......ok before I was "lilbabygal929" lil-im da youngest in my fam(as in brothers and sisters) babygal-my brothers nickname for me 929- my b-day.... then I was on the phone with my friend nina and she was depressed and she said "Make me laugh" and I said "How?" and she goes "Act like an idiot.... you know like you usually do" and I said "What do you want me to do?" and she said "I dont know something dumb" so I went in the living room trying to think of something dumb to do and I saw my nephew watching pokemon and Pikachu was on the screen so I got an idea.... I ran outside and started yelling "Ohhhhhhhh great almighty pikachu for you are real giiive meeeeeee your powers!!!!!" and she started cracking up *I was doing a really dumb voice too* and she goes "Pikachu isnt real" and i kept the voice going and said "Oooooooooh great almight pikachu" and she had to go so I went online came across USM and used that as my name.... then people started calling me pika... and my names Carena (Which some people like) and I used it all together Pika Carena (Nina still teases me about the 'Great almighty Pikachu' and I get lazy sometimes like on my posts and just put pika)  
Date: 12/23/2001 12:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 42522    My alias came from my nickname Barbie, even though my real name is Barbara. When I first came here, my alias was ~BarbieGirl~.  
Date: 12/23/2001 3:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 43498    i came up with mines when i was bored  
Date: 12/23/2001 3:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 8278    i took the name cage because i TOTALLY ADORE nicolas cage. he is just the picture of perfection.   
Date: 12/23/2001 3:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    well my friend got me on the whole 'chatroom' thing two years ago....and I was trying to come up with a chat alias. LOL Rosebud was taken in the room I was in so I just picked dewdrop....I figured I'd keep it over here as well....and the becky is well just my name. LOL ~~~  
Date: 12/23/2001 4:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 39887    Well mine pretty much defines me. I never slow down, always buzzing! BUSYBEE  
Date: 12/28/2001 3:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 22861    Well I was kicked off because of my first name and I frizzed my hair up for a party and peeps just call me Frizz .. I dunno it's kinda wierd so I stuck with it.  
Date: 1/7/2002 6:49:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 41847    there's some pretty interesting way's out there lol, and a lot of ummm how can i put it, specail ways ppl have found  
Date: 7/19/2002 5:12:00 PM  ( Admin-DNL )   It is my real name...
Date: 1/9/2007 6:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 51292    Mine just comes from the name of my favorite song back when I had my tag made..need to have it updated cause I dont even really listen to Slipknot much anymore LoL.  

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