1. Suggestion | ummmm... I think we could use. King Spawn | 16 | 2. Discussion | how did you come up w/ your alias, King Spawn | 40 | 3. Prayers | Please Pray For Frizzy................ | 5 | 4. USM Events | please pray for Frizz..... | 8 | 5. Human Interest | okay a question for all u girl's out there, u guy's can read it too, King Spawn | 30 | 6. Human Interest | a question for guy, u girls can read it too, King Spawn | 3 | 7. Poetry | The one i need, bye King Spawn, Dedicated to Frizz | 3 | 8. Poetry | if u can, King Spawn, to the one i love Frizz | 5 | 9. Poetry | -Swedish Proverb-, King Spawn | 4 | 10. Poetry | Time, King Spawn | 3 | 11. Poetry | the thought, King Spawn | 2 | 12. Poetry | As the night, King Spawn | 3 | 13. Humor | funny one's i heard a long time ago, King Spawn | 5 | 14. Interesting | Sorry, by Prime Suspect AKA King Spawn | 3 | 15. Poetry | i will be there to Frizz, by Spicy Dude | 5 | 16. Quotes | the shirt i read, Spicy Dude | 4 |
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