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This is a G-rated site for crying out loud!! Repost~~~ TAC

  Author:  600  Category:(Discussion) Created:(3/22/2001 2:08:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1110 times)

Ok, I know I posted this quite a while back, but judging from some of the posts lately, I felt like it would be worthy of posting again. :) Hey ya'll. I usually don't enter stories complaining or whining, so I hope that's not how I'm about to come off here. I have read some stories today and some of them and the replies are far from g-rated. (S$&ually explicit) in fact. And they are actually from members, not aa's. I'm mainly wanting to forewarn them that they can and will be banned from USM if it continues. The reason it's upsetting me is because there are children that are members and reading this stuff (better word??) . Please, please, before you submit a reply try to take into consideration the ones that will be reading them. BTW, I didn't enter this in the debate site, because it's not really debatable. I truly hope this doesn't lead anyone to the conclusion that I'm trying to be a site regulator in any way, I'm simply bothered by this, so I thought I'd get it out.

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Date: 3/22/2001 2:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    I know what you mean! geezzz... there are some things that don't need to be disscussed here...  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Dizzy me. I'm hoping that the "ones" doing this will realize that it's not at all cool! Thanks for stopping in.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 14780    i agree with you 100%..i seen these posts you are referring too and its sickening! lots of love  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 17248    Whoever the ANNOYING poster is who cannot spell to save their own life... TAKE HEED OF THIS WARNING!!! it takes alot to get me to use caps.. you're going to be going down buster!  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 19869    yep yep... aint that what ur parents are for?? not USM.. thats just for the G rated stuff... and the X rated stuff wearing G rated clothes.. :P  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 25627    I'm right behind you TAC....some of this stuff is ridiculous...not to mention stupid and juvenile....Love and peace....Thumb  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 19537    Your right, often in chat i've met people under 12 years old. This site isn't a sex site but a supernatural one. There are pleanty of adult rated sites and chat rooms to go to that would welcome that kind of thing...they need to go there. Got a ufo, obe, haunting, religion, come here.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:13:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Katsho! *hugs* It's actually been a few today, not just one. Hmmmm. I don't understand why anyone would feel the need to get online in a forum and post stuff like that....Thank God, I don't understand. Glowbuggie, it's great to see you. I understand how you feel too, I'm as disgusted, trust me.   
Date: 3/22/2001 2:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there Eddy and Thumb. I just hope there haven't been too many "young" ones that have had to read that filth. Thanks for stopping in.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 30630    I agree with you 100,000%. It's gotta stop! Storm  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Sonehrie Begum and Storm. Great to see ya. Thanks for stopping in. I sure hope it will stop soon.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 27777    Thank you for posting this because I was about to. I read a story today about where do you like it? Ok thats a little over the lil ears in here ya know. People need to wake up and get mature or maybe we should just start banning people of the bat no warning! Luv Alyssa  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 16442    Yep, I saw one of these 'stories' ear;ier today and it was disgusting. I think some people just get an ID # to post a few nasty stories and then go on to another website. What a way to get your thrills...!! Oh well, nice reminder to those who might be tempted to post some of this kind of trash. : )  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 13079    Hiya Tac *hugs* sheesh.....I get back from sending you an Email.....and I see some pretty wild posts.....I am with ya sister!!!!! 100% *smile* BTW.....You've got mail! *hugs*  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 16612    I agree. I hate trashy entertainment.This world needs censorship.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 24734    Yeah, the 1st story I saw when I got on today, was a really X-rated title!! I hope the Admins won't have to work extra hard to delete these stories.   
Date: 3/22/2001 2:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 19342    Rated "G"...Thats it theres no place for gray areas here!
Im on your side!
Date: 3/22/2001 2:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there Alyssa. I know which one you are talking about. That member has already been banned as the others will be. MP! *hugs* I truly hope it will disuade others from following the same trail. What mentality strain this type of thing must cause huh? lol. PIXIE!! *big hugs* Yep, I read it. I'll write ya back later my twin sis. I really hope this filth stops soon! It's really got me heated. I think my maternal side is showing. lol  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:23:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there TQ, Sugarplum, and Stargazer. Thanks so much for stopping in. Maybe when the "authors" see that it's not going to fly here they will stop. Of course, I'm sure it's too late for some of them.   
Date: 3/22/2001 2:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 16912    Thanxz for posting this! I wanted to post somthing like this, I am 14 and think stuff is runing my little mind (no, im just kidding!) Sassy  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    Hiya TAC...hey...on most of these that I saw today that were just trash...it isn't just the kids....even "I" don't want to read them. What's wrong with people? Good post. -Lady Nyx  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Sassy. I hope it helps stear anyone else away from doing the same, at least for a little while hopefully. Thanks for the reply.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:26:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there Lady Nyx, I agree with you completely! For some reason there are people in the world that think that type of thing is cute for whatever reason. I guess they need a reality check. Thanks for stopping in.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 17560    Great reminder TAC! There's nothing wrong with reposting a story that might remind people that this is a G-rated site...  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:27:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi TootsiePie. I figured it may come in handy right now since there are obviously a few members that haven't realized it yet. Thanks for stopping in.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 21357    well said *agrees*
Date: 3/22/2001 2:28:00 PM    WHERE are the administrators today!!?? Is no one on duty? This creep has run amok with the filthy posts! At least a dozen!
Date: 3/22/2001 2:30:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi she white wolf, thanks for stopping in. AA, I think they have been pretty busy deleting accounts. lol. Unfortunately there have been a few today posting the same type of stuff. Hopefully they will soon be deleted and the site can return to normal. Thanks for stopping in.   
Date: 3/22/2001 2:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 28660    Hey TAC, I noticed the same person who wrote these posts also wrote one about depression that sounded very sad. They must be a very troubled individual that craves attention whether its positive or negative. Tiger Lily  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 25390    Geez Well said. that was getting SO ridiculous  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 16104    tac,i'm in total agreement with you.the author of these posts is definately in the wrong place and now the admins must go through the trouble of deleting these posts.i wouldn't like my kid to come on here and read that crap!  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there EO. Thanks for stoppin in and replying. Hi Tiger Lily. It's always possible, judging from some of their posts they do seem to be quite "troubled" but they need to learn that vulgarity or profanity are no way to gain attention. At least not the kind of attention they would probably like to get. If anyone is needing a friend there are many here, myself included, who would be very glad to chat with them and talk out their problems. The profanity and vulgarity have got to stop though. Thanks for stopping in and replying.   
Date: 3/22/2001 2:34:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Shelina. I agree 100%. Thanks for stopping in. Hopefully it'll be under control very soon.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 11528    Great Post Tac, Cant believe some people. She is in her 20's too. Problably a future loser who's life ambition will be to appear on Jerry Springer. Bye for now. Enki  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Enki. *hugs* You read the profile too huh? lol. Unfortunately I've seen 3 members today doing this same thing. It's simply disgusting! Thanks for stopping in and replying.   
Date: 3/22/2001 2:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 21249    Hello my friend, I agree totally, it has gotten out of hand,I must say, I don't understand, what a shame,I hope kid's didn't read it, but who know's so glad you posted this, good for you, Lord know's it needed to be!!!! Much Love  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:45:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Jollee! *hugs* I agree, it's gotten WAY out of hand. It's sad the extremes people will go to without taking into consideration who is reading it and how they will feel about it. I just hope it all stops soon. Thanks for stopping in. It's always great to see you.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    YAYYYYYY!!! very well said!!!  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    She WILL be on the Jerry Springer show! Title of the show....."I Need a Brain Transplant Now!"
Date: 3/22/2001 2:47:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there Thinker! Ya think? lol. J/K. Thanks for stopping in. Maybe with the vast amount of negative reaction they will realize how uncool it is.....Or not be allowed back, whichever.   
Date: 3/22/2001 2:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi KoRnGURL_18. *taking a bow* thank ya. *smile* Thanks for stopping in and replying.  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 28899    I totally agree with that there is a lot here that parents may not say in front of their kids. And that a higher level of censorship (admitedly annoying sometimes when passionate/infuriated by what one says) is absolutley necessary here. I just have one Q: Do you mean sexually ex/im-plicit posts and comments? And/or things like $#!^ and F***? I really don't mean to be rude, so please don't take it that way. I just want to be clear. -Underground  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 7341    This site is G-rated?!!?!?! When did this happen?!?! :P Great post TAC...thanks so much for reminding us...I hope those who REALLY need to read this do so....  
Date: 3/22/2001 2:59:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there Underground. The posts I'm referring to, whether or not they were spelled out fully, were very vulgar in nature and content. It's appalling that some people think that kind of thing is cute. You'll have to ask the Admins. what their exact guideline is for meeting vulgar criteria when replacing letters with symbols. Thanks for stopping in and I didn't find it rude at all.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:00:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Corky! *hugs* I do too. I know it'll all start again, but hopefully this will persuade members to rethink thinks a little before they decide to post.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 19092    Hello TAC, I don't think I saw the ones you refer, but i did see a post from a new member today that sent me to the chat room looking for an Admin to remove it. Some people sure have simple minds. Glad you have stated this again, good to get it up and let it be known. And some times, with my humor, I have posted a reply with a suttle s*xual content. I hope that I have not offended anyone and desire to be told if this is so. Sometimes I may strech it to a PG, is that OK? It's hard being a guy, because we think about it 5 times a minute you know. See, I did it again, LOL. Bye>>>  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 16442    No excuses KC!!!! LMAO...  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:06:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    LOL@ KC!! hehehe, well you haven't offended me so far, I'll be sure to let you know if you do though! *smile* I think the one that sent you on an Admin. hunt was very similar to the other two. I can't believe anyone would waste their brain cells coming up with things of that nature anyway, and it that's their mentality range, there are search engines that will aide them in finding others like themselves.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 28848    Thank you Tac! I've seen a couple of those stories today. I hope that people will remember that there are children here.CPM  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:12:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    lol@ MP. You get him! hehehe. Thanks CPM, I think that waaaayyyy too many people had the misfortune of clicking into a few of them today. I hope this helps end it. Thank you for stopping in and replying.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 20750    wowser I haven't been on for most of the day!!!! what happened??? LOL  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:18:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Moon Girl. Well, there have been some members that deemed it necessary to post about things that would be better suited on an X-rated site than here at USM. This is my attempt at getting the word out that it's not tolerated here. Thanks for stopping in.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 22852    I agree 100% I don't think I have ever even left a bad or poor comment (at least I hope I didn't)
If I don't have anything nice to say I try not to say anything. Stormchaser
Date: 3/22/2001 3:21:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Stormchaser, I try to be the same. Although I have had my moments of weakness during and irritated time. lol. This was really about the x-rated postings that were here today. Pretty disgusting. If you didn't read them, you are the lucky one. lol. Thanks for stopping by.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 3321    Since this is a repost, does that mean I have to re reply??? LOL  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    LOL!! Yes you do! hehehe. BTW, update----there has now been 4 members doing this today. Hmmmm. What's up with that? Thanks Pers. *hugs*  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    Geez, I go to work and come home and by the time I got in here I missed the whole thing...*pouting*...My little fingers would have been real busy tapping out private messages for these individuals...TAC, I am glad you brought this up so anyone else tempted to be lambasted by my messages stops in their tracks...he he!! Love,  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    lol! Thanks Thunderhead, I was wondering when my "secret" weapon would arrive. hehehe. Yep, you've missed quite a day.....I don't think it's over yet though, judging from a post that I just read about 5 minutes ago and is now gone, I think the fun's still going on. *hugs* Love,  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 20750    OMG I jusr read 2 of the sickes post ever!!!!!!!! one made me sick to my tummy!!!!!jumped into chat admin wasn't there so I posted alerted usmer not to reas these 2 post & ADMIN deleted the post and mine too I am still sick!!!LOL  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:36:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Awww, I see you've had the pleasure of meeting one of the offenders then huh? lol. I know what you mean, it's totally appalling! Thanks again Moon Girl.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 29928    Yup, I am still relatively new here and saw my first posting today that wud be classified as totally tasteless and very tacky. This is not the place for it. Why is it that when u have something great..there is always a few that tries to mess it up for everyone else??

Hugs, Pammie
Date: 3/22/2001 3:46:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Pammie. I know what you mean, but it seems that in life there are always a few anyway that try to spoil the good for everyone else. Thanks for stopping in and replying.   
Date: 3/22/2001 3:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 18516    You go sister Tac! You tell'em! LoL. I have seen that alot lately too. I read one of these post just a few minutes ago, it was not funny or amusing. Luckily one of the admins had it deleted. Love,  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 18103    TAC sis, I have to agree with you 100%. Too many kids are on this site and don't need to read garbage.  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 20296    I actually know what author you are speaking of.....I think that they have some real issues, but that is not for us to have to deal with. if he or she wants to "belong" then he or she should use their heads. it is clearly a "plea" for attention..but somehow I do not think they want "love" or acceptance at all. They keep getting deleted only to come back and post the same immature sexual content it is sad...and yep, they are an aweful speller too LOL I agree TAC!!! something has to be done...this is nothing I want my child reading and she is 13. but even though I know she will handle herself well...it is grose and tasteless. I actually think this garbage (real garbage) is starting some kind of tread among kids who have access to the computers during school hours. they think it is funny because they do not want to belong to USM, they are trying to "impress" their little friends at school  
Date: 3/22/2001 3:57:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Lemon!! *hugs* Long time no see. Yep, these authors apparently have way too much time on their hands. lol. Thanks for stopping in sis!  
Date: 3/22/2001 4:06:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Graywolf sissy! Thanks for stopping in and giving your support. Cblossom!! Yep, I've thought the same things. Maybe one day they will actually grow up and realize that they only look idiotic...Thanks for stopping in too. *hugs to you two*   
Date: 3/22/2001 4:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 16376    I know what you mean! This anonymous guy is stalking me and he always calls me the W word! I don't know what I ever did to him but he is kind of freaking me out  
Date: 3/22/2001 4:32:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Dani! *hugs* Have you reported him to the Admins? If not you should. No one is here to be cyberstalked. Thanks for stopping in.   
Date: 3/22/2001 4:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 16442    I've noticed 2 more 'weirdos' just recently that are new members. Where are they coming from or I wonder if its all the same person. This is just tooooooo weird!!!  
Date: 3/22/2001 4:43:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    WOW! 2 more?!? Ok, either it's that the weirdos are coming out of the wood work, or we have one very bored person on our site. Hmmmm. I had counted 4 so far. I thought the Admins. were able to block people, but I'm thinking they may have found a way around it? Very interesting. They should save time and use their little search engine that is sure to direct them to sites that they can relate to and in better. Wow, when will it end?  
Date: 3/22/2001 4:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 13079    Hey MP is that any way to talk about JT and me???? We are NOT weirdos.....no matter what you say!!! *smile*  
Date: 3/22/2001 4:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Oh no MP!! There's one of them now! *shh* we don't want to set her off. They can be a little *lowering voice* unstable ya know? Quick, alert the USM police. We've got a live one!   
Date: 3/22/2001 4:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 20873    ok tac, i see whatcha mean now! I just wasn't here to see it until now, I am reading well, its to gross I just passed over it, but I know who now. I am gonna message you . THANKS, DINA  
Date: 3/22/2001 7:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 26717    LETS STICK TOGETHER AND YANK THE WEEDS FROM THE FLOWER BED!!!.......CORA
Date: 3/22/2001 7:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi there Cora. I'm with you! hehehe, maybe this will help to end it or at least minimize it. Thanks for stopping in and replying.  
Date: 3/22/2001 7:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    Okay where I have been??? LOL........I haven't seen anything you guys are talking about.......well yet anyway.....LOL........Azairyia  
Date: 3/22/2001 7:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 20873    I did reply on one of these horrible posts w/out thinking it just came to me to say what I had to say! i apologize! thanks, dina  
Date: 3/23/2001 5:59:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Azairya. Well, if you missed them you are among the lucky ones. lol. They were pretty obscene. Thanks for stopping in and replying. Hi Dina, hey don't sweat it, hopefully the members posting that filth are long gone by now. Thanks ya'll.  
Date: 3/23/2001 2:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 11211    Hi Tac, guess I missed them too...and happy about it. This is a great post, and I agree 100% with you. Take care my special friend...Love to you!*  
Date: 3/24/2001 6:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 600    Hi Phyllis! *big hug* Yep, they were pretty bad. Hopefully the "problem" is under control again. It's always great to see you. Thanks for stopping in and replying. Love ya,  

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