Well recall the anoyed spirt Randy well me being just so darn smart decided to try something simular to ouija board Automatic Writing. Well I was in class and I was bored so I tried it out. I asked (in my mind) is there anyone there I got a rather quick "yes". I asked what their name was it replied "Randy". I asked him if he was following me he replied "no". Then I asked him if he was following Ali he replied "yes". I asked why he replied "I want Her Dead." I asked him not to kill her he replied "no." I asked him what we could do to stop him he replied "die." I told him we'd leave him alone if he didn't he replied "ok" I said goodbye he did too. I said (not learning my freakin lesson darn I am retarded) If there is anyone other than Randy there reply if not don't he/she replied "yes". What is your name I asked he/she replied "Mary". I asked when she was born she replied "1918" or something like that.I asked how old she was she replied "16" Well I talked to her during serveral periods and I was having a rather pleasant time. I found out alot about her and my "future". Well the next day I was sitting in homeroom with Ali and I talked to her. Then things went awary. Well she said she was gonna hurt Josh cause he doesn't like Ali. I said Is this Randy "Yes" Are you mary "Yes" are you all the spirts we have talked to "Yes". I asked him what his real name was "Anzdern." I asked him if he was evil he replied "yes". I asked why he was evil he replied "Killed 3 Teenagers" I asked when he replied "3-8-01" I asked if it ws 2001 or 1901 he replied "2001" Well 3-8-01 was the date. I asked if he was refering to us "Yes." I said goodbye and he said goodbye. Well Ali,Josh,and I were creeped out Josh got p/oed cause we had draged him into this. Well Ali desides she'll find a good spirt for help. She said "In the name of Jeasus Christ may I contact a good spirt" and it replied "yes" She asked "what is your name" it replied "Casey." I never asked her if Casey was a girl or a boy so I don't really know. She found out I was gonna marry A Josh Smith (Azndern said the Josh that we hang out with was who I was gonna marry) I was gonna have 4 kids (Azndern said 1). N such well later that day I contacted another Casey she/he said I was in troble and the bus was gonna crash at 3:35. I did not wanna get on that bus but Ali's Casey appartreatly saved us. My Casey told me never to do this again and I obeyed until a whining Kati wanted me to contact Casey #1 for me to find out her future. I tried guess who I got, Anzdern. I guided Kati through it and she got Casey #2 (my casey ali's is #1). Then Kati didn't even need the pencil (it was during band) and Casey answered in her mind. She said I was gonna marry our Josh (don't wanna say his last name) and we'd have 5 kids. I asked Kati to ask why, Kati laughed and said she said you really like each other. She also said Josh was gonna be the next bill gates (that was confirmed by Casey #1 about josh smith). Well I tried to play my flute and I sucked at it as usual and Kati said Casey said that I should switch to percusssion cause I'm good at hitting stuff. Well we told Ali this and the girl got mad casue Josh is her boyfriend and her Casey said Smith. Well latter that day I talked to Azndern (i didn't want to) I asked him why I always get him and he said I was evil. I asked how I was evil and he said I didn't believe in god. I said I just haven't had the chance to go to church cause my parents don't I do plan to when I get my own car/get my own house. I asked can I talk to a good spirt now. He said ok. I got Casey #2 again. I asked her why Casey #1 contridicts about Josh. She said Casey #1 knows it will hurt Ali if she found out it was Josh %#$&*$ (can't say that last name) so we say Smith with her. I asked how Josh was going to be the next Bill gates said said he was going to have a clothing company that would be a big hit and he'll be rich. I pretty much have learned my lesson I really don't want mess with any of this stuff anymore...yet. Hey anyone of you ever heard of a spirt name Azndern. How it changed my life:Well I found out I am going to marry one of my friends named josh. I got death threats from a bad spirt called Anzdern all and all not a bad week. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 27976 ( Click here )
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