I understand that an alarmingly large number of people claim to be suffering from depression at this point in time, but seriously, how naive are we to think that each and every case of depression is in fact clinical depression. I understand that some people are in fact depressed, but others WOW, they're just blatantly feeling sorry for themselves and they're real good at it too. I'm serious...people get depressed over the silliest reasons--they can't get a date, they don't have enough money, or they're not popular! Grr, people like that really get on my nerves. Especially my 'friends' from school. I am so sick and tired of all of them moping around like a bunch of sad sacs, it's the most awful thing I've ever seen. To me, it makes no sense. I've suffered from depressed-type moods myself, but I dealt with it by pretending that I was doing good. Yep, I smiled even during the worst times. And, no, I wasn't being fake...I just figured that if I could prove to myself that I could pull off something so impossible maybe there was still hope for me--and there was, there always is. AND might I include that I wasn't about to act miserable around the people that I care for so much, I didn't want them to see that side of me. I never wanted to burden anyone else with my problems, I talked about how I felt, but I never complained. I guess I wanted to do it that way because of what my psychiatrist told me (yes, I admit, I had a psychiatrist.) She told me that our moods are CONTAGIOUS. Be surrounded by happy people and they will make you feel happy, be surrounded by sad people and they will make you feel sad...isn't it true though? It's why I decided to take her advice. Now I give a smile instead of a frown, and I get a smile instead of a frown.
So people just stop the self-inflicted torture? You can feel depressed, but it's still possible to maintain some degree of happyness. It's almost like society is willing itself into depression. And for what? It doesn't pay off. OH, I really hope no one is offended by what I've posted here. I do actually have an understanding because I suffer from problems with anxiety consisting of social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive thoughts, learning disorders, etc...doesn't leave much time left to be happy when you worry all the time, but like anything else, it's still possible. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 22091 ( Click here )
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