Okay...here we are, 6 girls at a party having a good time. Hanging out with a friend at a party. Her name is Ashley and she was turning 13. She had over me, my sister Rae, Lorrisa, Mary, and Holly. She had her party at the coolest place to have a party at that time. The newest hotel. Comfort Inn. We had our own room seperate from her grandparents. Her mom and dad died when she was a little baby. Of course, we did what most girls do at parties. Talk about boys, girl stuff, weird happenings, telling ghost stories, swimming, and trying new things. Smoking, Sandman, Bloody Mary, Dorthy Foster, Light as a Feather; Stiff as a Board, truth or dare, and passing out. Of course, 12 and 13 year old girls do retarded things. So, Ashley went first. Lorrisa made her pass out and Rae cought her when she fell. All of a sudden, bad and unusual thigs started happening to Ashley during the process. She stared screaming and yelling. Her body moved around like a dying catapiller. She was freaking me and everyone else out. We thought if we threw cold water on her then she'd wake up. We tried freazing ice, water, slapping and punching her. Nothing worked. We pinned her down on the bed and hoped she'd wake up soon. She did. Only it wasn't Ashley. It was something dark and scary. She said she talked to him...Satan. She said that in at least two years, he was coming to get one of us. We thought it was a bunch of Hocus Pocus. We did pray though. Everyday. We prayed it wouldn't happen. In time, we fell apart. Got in fights. We lost contact and forgot about everything. Last November, I got up and started getting ready for school and I turned on my TV to channel four. Fox news. As I was getting ready, I heard that there was a car crash near a close town. They had been hill jumping and lost control. I didn't thik about it. Soon it said the people were Ashley, Lorrisa, and a few otehrs. The car was totally smashed. I paused. What? Could this really be happening? I didn't know. Lorrisa was flown from the windshield. She did die. It felt as if I had jumped off a cliff waiting to hit the ground. Ashley lived. She was in CCU for 2 weeks. I didn't go to Lorrisa's funeral or vistation. I was too heartbroken. I couldn't. I couldn't even go to see Ashley. But I did call. I figured it was the least I could do. I collected each and every articel in each and ever newpaper I could. I just now thought about it. Rae reminded me about the horror, the pain. I tought I should share it with you. Hope my experience has changed you deeply.
My friend, the one who made it in the wreck, tried to kill herself. Suicide. She has tried this MANY times before, this didn't startle me as much as it should've though. She was in the assanisilum for 2 months before being set free. I am scared to go and see her. Please pray for her...thank you. How it changed my life:It made me think about life and death. I truly believe in a Heaven and Hell. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17396 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .