This is a rather long joke, but I hope you bear with me, because the clue is really really really worth it !!!!
A young man walks by a drugstore and sees a sign on which it says that the store is wanting a new sales man. So he enters the store and says that he wants to have the job. The shop keeper asks him if he can show some references. The young man says : 'Well, I used to work for my brother and sold so well that he is now enjoying sun and see at the Bahama's. He doesn't have to work anymore for the rest of his life. I swear on my mother's head that you won't find any better sales man than me.'
The shop keeper is impressed and hires him. He can start the same day, because the shop keeper wants to test his talents.
At the end of the day, the shop keeper returns to the store and asks how the sales have been. 'Well, I know it's not much, but I only saw 1 customer today,' the young man replies. 'What ??? Only ONE ?' The shop keeper turns white from dispear. 'That isn't much. What did you sell him ?'
'Well, the customer bought for a total amount of $130,000.' The young sales man replies. 'And how did you do that ?'
'See, the customer came in and I sold him a fishing line. I also suggested some suitable bate and a cabinet to keep his gear in. Then I told him that only one fishing line wouldn't do to get some proper fishing done, so I showed him another line from which I told him that even Moby Dick couldn't get away. For this line, he ofcourse needed some special floats and flies.
To not make him look absolutely rediculous compared to other fishermen, I sold him a complete outfit : boots, waterproof pants, raincoat, a jacket, wax to protect the jacket and a cap. I wouldn't want him to get to the water with new equipment and in an old outfit, my customers have to look at their best.
Next I asked him where he was planning on going to fish. He said that it would be the see. Therefore I told him that he needed a proper boat so I sold him a 48 feet boat with two engines. And as he didn't have the proper trailer and car to bring the boat to the see, I sold him the latest Mercedes with trailer. When I made the sum of all of this I came to the amount of $130,002, but I let him have it for $130,000 and he signed the invoice.'
The mouth of the shop keeper falls wide open, he doesn't believe what he's hearing 'You sold a Mercedes to someone who came for a fishing line ???'
'Well,.... not really. He came in to buy a box of tampons for his wife en then I said "Well, your weekend is ruined anyway, why don't you go fishing?"' You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 7672 ( Click here )
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