Well, I was only 2 months old. I know that it's nearly impossible for people to remember this far back, but I remember it like it was a dream. But, it was very real. Okay, from the beginning.
I was playing with my favorite key ring, when all of a sudden I had trouble breathing. I remember looking at my Nana and Mom, really worried. Of course, I had no idea what was happening. I rolled over onto my back, and looked up at the ceiling. My Nana came running over, and everything got really dark. it lightened up, and I saw a woman and a man. Two people I have never seen. I later found out that they were my Great Grandma Annie and Great Grandpa Burt (I found out by seeing their pictures). I had never met them. Grandma Annie took my hand, then helped me out. Granpda Burt took my other hand, and they wouldn't stop smiling at me. I remember walking upwards on invisible stairs. I thought it was cool. Walking toward the ceiling. And there was that heavenly light. And Granda and Granpa looked at each other. Then, they looked down at me. They started to step down. I followed them, of course. They let go of my hands, then let me slide down. It was like a slide. I just slid right down and I looked at my body, then touched it to see if it would move. That's all I remember. How it changed my life:Well, NDE are pretty freaky. It makes me realize that life is important, whenever I remember it. And, I don't know of anyone has had one. And, nobody I know can remember that far back in their lives... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 20746 ( Click here )
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