Well, I was, at the time, not a very firm believer in the Ouija board. But I was very quickly put in my place when a bunch of my friends and I went to this trailer in a park that had been abandoned for quite sometime. It's located in Red Carpet Trailer Court in Calgary, Alberta Canada. It is on International Ave in the S.E. Anyway, we were planning on using this Ouija board that my friend had brought along. Three of us got into a circle. Myself sitting closest to the counter, my friend Ray sitting with his back out to the dark, empty livingroom.And beside him was Rachelle, nearest to the pile of rusted pipe that lay aside the back wall. We had the board on our kness, as advised, and Rachelle was the medium for this particular session. We also had a candle to the right of myself and the left of Rachelle. We were all closing our eyes, while Rachelle channeled a spirit. While Ray and I were waiting I could notice that the candle had gotten brighter, because the under-part of my eye lids were glowing bright orange now. I asked if it was okay to open my eyes and she told me "yes." As I opened my eye's,( no word of a lie)I saw a huge shadow on the wall beside us. We asked the spirit if it was them showing themselves, the pointer went to yes, so fast that it made me nervous and I started to tear up. What luck, we were soon to find out that the spirit that we had channeled was the spirit of the guy who owned the house. Thinking everything was cool, I was having an alright time until the spirit spelt to us "m...e..e...n" lucky for us we know that ghosts arn't the best spellers so we didn't stop to think about it, we said goodbye and got the hell out of dodge! On the way out the door, (to begin with there was like six of us)everyone was pushing their way out when Ray got pulled back into the living room. All the girls were screaming for the boys to get Ray back out of the house, but they wouldn't. All we could do was yell his name from the doorway. We couldnt see or hear anything. About three or four munites later Ray stood in the doorway, with one white streak that had dyed about two inches of his hair and had stained his skin white. He swears that he doesnt remember what had happened while he was in the house alone, but we catch him in these day dreams or something and his face is always filled with complete horror. How it changed my life:Ray was mostly affected. He doesn't like to talk about it at all, cause he doesn't remember anything. Me all I know is that I believe in Ouija board now. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 27365 ( Click here )
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