In the beggining, of time itself, when creator, had made all that now is, watchers he created, that you would call gods, and somthing was needed, to control them, for that reason, the void were created, they watched the dimensions, of the creators creation, they were the only thing, the creator created, that could kill a god, that the creator created, though in all reality, for the gods were pure enregy, they could not be killed, exactly, they cold though, be obsorbed, by another energy, and that was the void, untill the void, all but one, ceased to be, but still that last energy, wonders constantly, from one place to another, keeping wach on what, was meant to be.
P.S.:I hope this poem doesnt offend anyone its just explaining a little known mith to those few who have asked what void is........SV You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 21320 ( Click here )
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